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Edited by a_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • 11
    You know. Dmg. I would like you to take this message to the dev team. And I want you to phrase it just like this. "The longer it takes us to just say "fine we'll get them out of infusion, you win" the stupider it is going to make ALL of us look. You stupider, me stupider, Cozmo stupider, this is making us all look like idiots. And the longer it takes us to just do what the community is never going to shut up about wanting us to do, the stupider we're going to look".... Give them that message for me.... Because you're going to have to say yes eventually, and the longer it takes, the dumber you're going to look doing it.

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    11 Replies
    • It’s funny. You posted this and after a while you unstickied the post. People were asking for this thread back and you did it. That’s empirical proof that you are listening and can adjust accordingly. Either you’re ignoring player feedback on enhancement cores or you’re just arrogant that your way is the best way.

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      4 Replies
      • Are you trying to top the "New Coke" debacle????

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        5 Replies
        • Once again completely side stepping the issue..Cores should be only used for masterworking of armor and weapons. Even these bounties don't sound right, why would a daily bounty reward a core and 2 mods and a weekly reward a core, a mod, and weapon/armor? Sorry but I'd Skip that, weekly should have more rewards like 3 cores, 3 mods, and curated roll on armor/weapon, then it's worth the effort

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          • Get rid of them. Waste of time to grind for. Bounties to get them are stupid. D1 had a better system overall.

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            • remove the damn cores !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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              4 Replies
              • Surely by now these Devs should know most people do not like this current system , and it’s even stopping players from playing their game . I want to play but until we get a proper fix I’ll continue to stay away ,how hard is it to listen to ur players and just remove cores from infusion. Their stupid planned fix will not make this system any better, all its doing is moving from one bounty to another one . One core for a weekly bounty reward is just sticking ur fingers up at the players and saying screw you . Time they starting facing up to this issue as it’s not going away.

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                • So funny, I've been gone for a few weeks and come back to this double down on a really bad idea. This reminds me of the fixed rolls they tried to force on us in D2 vanilla. Everyone wanted random rolls back but Bungie really fought against giving in to it. They did masterworks and catalysts etc but in the end wiser heads prevailed and we returned to random rolls. What's the difference here? Btw, the core/mod grind is a big part of why I'm not playing currently. I've been playing BL2 dlc instead and loving it. I'll check back in in a few more weeks I guess haha.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Edited by Doctor_Roidberg: 4/25/2019 2:38:25 AM
                    THIS. IS. NOT. A. DISCUSSION. This is a Gladiator Arena where Bungie watches us fight each other about cores. Don’t call it a discussion IF YOU DONT MAKE ANY RESPONSE TO US. You’ve made this thread for US TO DISCUSS AMONGST OURSELVES AND ACCOMPLISH N O T H I N G

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                    4 Replies
                    • You know you could just move enhance core back to mw and bring back motes of light for infusion But make mol drop like in d1

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                      • 15

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                        • I wont play any of yall games until yall stop screwing the casual player over for the hardcore or streamer. Til then you're dead to me.

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                          15 Replies
                          • What can I say? Bye, Infusion.

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                          • Baker: Hey all! I changed the recipe of your favorite cake! Customers: Whoa. This cake is WAY too salty! Baker: We think that extra salt enhances the taste experience! Customers: No, not at all. It ruins the cake entirely. We preferred the cake the way it was. Baker: Well, sorry. The cake stays as it is. We'll start handing out some coupons. How's that? Customers: NO. The cake is awful. Your customers are starting to go to other bakers. Change the recipe back to the way it was. Baker: Nope. The cake [i]really[/i] needed enhancement. We really think that extra cup of salt brought some impact. Tell you what, we'll give you a different place to get coupons and we'll throw in a bon bon. There. We're all friends again. Customers: Sigh... Destiny 2: The Cake Stays Awful

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                            156 Replies
                            • Fill in the blank: Removing enhancement cores from infusion would create the problem of ____________.

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                              • Welcome back sticky.... So can you just pull your head out of your ass and remove cores? We don’t want them. Masterwork sure. Infusion? WTF no...

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                                3 Replies
                                • Anyone else starting to think that they'll only remove cores when they have something to sell us? In fact, they'll probably use it as a highlight in a trailer. "New ways to level up" will be proudly displayed in the Y3 reveal trailer. Then the pro-cores(all 25 of them) will declare that Bungie isn't giving in, they're trying something new. Sadly the new way to level gear will just be "Infusion Cores" and they'll be blue instead of orange.

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                                  • First 3 weeks in a row that i haven't done more than 2 hours in destiny since 3 months into D1. Really glad you're sticking to your "I'm with stupid" guns on the infusion cores. You've convinced me you truly are tone deaf to your audience. This has helped me discover new games. Thank you

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                                    • Just like in Year 1 of D2 when XP throttling was discovered in November. Then later in December when Bungie took a Holiday Vacation and Eververse became huge problem. Bungie you have have another problem that requires you to act. Since Forsaken dropped and cores were introduced to infusion, every 3 months when a new DLC drops,, there are countless players telling you to remove cores from infusion. Now its become a fever pitch issue, no longer asking but telling you to remove cores from infusion. This will continue every time a new DLC comes out. Half measures like power boost bounties and gunsmith bounties will not stem the tide. Players are tired and frustrated with Companies like you and Bioware trying to control them. Players want to play your game the way they want. Your paternalistic attitude to control players is no longer working. Players are leaving and they wont come back until you change your attitude towards players.

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                                      2 Replies
                                      • I find it amusing that you tried to unpin this so that once it slid off the front page you could delete it with no one watching. Then someone called your hand on it so you had to repin it. Just do what the community is asking you to do. Is it really worth this much arguing and fighting to prop up a system you know is doomed? It's in the middle of a major event for you, two major events really. And it hasn't brought back players. It's time to can the ego and just say "okay...okay fine we get it you don't want everything to be an "impactful choice, we'll get it done by September. Until then to get you out of our hair we're going to set a cap on cores to 2000, and deliver a gift to all players of 2000 cores. That way the people who used the exploit and the people who didn't will be on an even playing field. If you use them all before September that's on you."

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                                        1 Reply
                                        • And you are removing cores from infusion? This is a great move!!!! Thanks!

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                                          1 Reply
                                          • Haven’t played your game in over a month. Not going to support a developer that continues to sweep important improvement issues under the rug instead of working with fans to find a viable solution. I’m not going to support a game that prioritizes Eververse and vanity content over making meaningful and desirable content.

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                                            • Oh look , Bungie unpinned the thread that was full of overwhelming support for something they don't want. Starting to think this dev team is a bunch of children.

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                                              1 Reply
                                              • Nice try, but we found it again! And your devs are still wrong about cores.

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                                                1 Reply
                                                • Fans: y’all should remove enhancement cores Devs: we appreciate your feedback but -blam!- you

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                                                  2 Replies
                                                  • Almost 6000 comments (this thread and the one you removed) and no actual discussion. Of all recent ‘discussions’ this has to be up there with negative feedback. Any discussion on such a contentious topic would be difficult but the silence from Bungie is deafening.

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