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Edited by a_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • There is no point of “enhancement” cores existing at all. [b]We all know they are just there to artificially lengthen the “grind.”[/b] [spoiler]Stop being stubborn and get rid of them. [/spoiler]

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    • Yeah dudes, just remove them. I honestly might play again if I had better control over what I got to use. I only get on now to help friends in PvP or raids. I've played since the beta for D1; but this seems off. Nobody is happy with how things are going in regards to cores and the economy of D2. Action needs to be taken soon or you'll have lost a large portion of your fanbase.

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      • Edited by Xero: 5/2/2019 12:05:47 PM
        Suggestion: 1. Re-rename Enhancement Cores to Masterwork Cores 2. Remove the Cores from infusion costs, leave everything else alone. Okay...maybe jump the requirement to Masterwork weapons fully, if you want to make something worth grinding. The bounties seem fine in addition. Easier said than done? I don't know. But this seems like it would do some good in the next and final season before your next major update in Sept. Whatever that is.

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        2 Replies
        • Remove them from infusion. Just use them to masterwork gear

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          • Evaluate my ass, nobody likes this broke system so remove it simple.

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            3 Replies
            • Reading through these replies is like looking back in time to year 1. Maybe Activision wasn't the problem. I mean yeah, Activision is one of the greediest, player f'king companies in the business right now, but this all seems too familiar.

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              2 Replies
              • Edited by Guardian6370: 5/3/2019 10:03:02 AM
                Bungie has done a great job of letting this drag on I hope they are happy with the daily inflated login numbers , at this rate there won’t be anyone left to buy the next DLC /season pass . Maybe a small percentage of those still playing might , but most will remember this crap and it won’t matter how good the next content is , they will struggle to sell it . The competition is getting better and listening to their customers, Bungie is standing still thinking they know better than everyone else . Cores needs to be removed from infusion

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                6 Replies
                • Bungie clearly doesn't get it, too bad. D2 could've been a fantastic game. There is a ton of content now Bungie, you don't have to keep that artificial grind called enhancement cores anymore. Borderlands 3 in September, can't wait to play a real game.

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                  • 33
                    Look. Honestly. Your egotistical stubborn refusal to give your players a "win" on this subject only indicates that your development team has extremely bad business sense... The term "the customer is always right" is not always true, but when it applies to a sizable portion of your customer base flat out demanding you take a specific action, refusing to do so is universally seen as foolish and incompetent from business aspects. Yes. I admit. Changing your direction now will be seen as an admission that you were wrong to do this in the first place. And some might even see a concession on this point as a weakness that will motivate unhappy players to demand more changes you are hesitant to commit to because it's in a direction different than your original goals. The problem is that there isn't a debate going on between you and the customers where you have a moral highground. The customers already know you're wrong. There's no discussion, you are wrong, they know it. Your consistent failure to do what is being demanded of you is only making people angrier... It's time to take a deep breath, and let this go. Accept any fallout that comes of it, and move on to more important matters. You cannot win here. The calls for removal will never stop until you are forced to do it rather you want it or not. It's time to stop fighting. Just let go and let what needs to happen happen.

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                    22 Replies
                    • This issue really isn't open to debate. Get rid of cores for infusion. Period.

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                      • REMOVE CORES FROM INFUSING

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                        • Remove the fcuking cores from infusion you stubborn wastemen.

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                          3 Replies
                          • I see this is still being “discussed”. I was talked into buying Destiny 2 by some friends as well as the Forsaken expansion with the annual pass. Haven’t touched the game for a while except for a brief visit to the tower with Season of the Drifter. Everything just felt extremely tedious with what was going on. Guess who won’t be purchasing anything further even if my friends say how cool things are? I don’t understand how Destiny 1 could end in such a good place to then get the steaming pile that is Destiny 2.

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                            6 Replies
                            • Using cores for infusion does not feel rewarding. Instead, it feels tedious, repeditive, and unsatisfying. Bungie, listen to your customers and just eliminate the core requirements from infusion. It's a problem with a very simple solution. Don't make this complicated. #MakeDestinyGreatAgain

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                              2 Replies
                              • Your so-called leaders of this company are some of the most ignorant and self righteous I have seen since Activision Blizzard. If they choose to sell this franchise to a company whose so-called leaders listen to player feedback instead of finding ways to poison their experiences online, this game could actually have a chance of being what it was promised to be since before release. I don't know or care who they are, but I cannot sufficiently explain how truly disappointing this game is and how badly the leadership of this rag tag vessel needs to shift hands from Bungie to a developer who wishes to see their community succeed through their dedication.

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                                • What is taking so long with this alleged discussion? It is an embarrassment and shows that you don't care about you're dedicated player base,but you are keen to take money off us.

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                                  • You continue your “discussion” on Enhancement Cores. In the meantime, I’ll be purchasing and playing OTHER games.

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                                    30 Replies
                                    • Core infusion doesn’t support players who actually have meaningful choices to make choosing gear and a path to max power and doesn’t support the players who support those players. I’m not going to tell one of those players to spend time doing something that doesn’t reward them with power, and I’m definitely not going to take time from helping others and chasing endgame with low rng rates to do it for myself. It doesn’t matter how easy or hard they are to get. It’s that they are another cog in a grind that proves empty. If they cannot be as well integrated into normal gameplay as glimmer or shards, then remove them. Otherwise, this is no different than making ancillary bounties be the only source for glimmer.

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • Edited by goats_dont_shave: 4/12/2019 10:22:34 PM
                                        I don’t need more ‘busy’ work bounties on old content! I want infusion cores back as masterwork cores and used solely for the purpose of master working gear!

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                                        2 Replies
                                        • I gave up Destiny for the most part...I log in now when my kid wants to play but even then it's maybe an hour or two a week at best I have no "want" to farm cores to upgrade my gear/guns

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                                          2 Replies
                                          • Edited by K1dP5ycho: 5/3/2019 6:17:22 AM
                                            If the director of the Sonic movie can see constructive audience input and make major animation changes to a high-budget movie, Bungie can see constructive player input and remove a glowing rock from a level-up mechanic in a video game. Please start actually acting on the things you hear. You are losing players, future, past and present alike, by being so damn stubborn.

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                                            2 Replies
                                            • I think everyone has finally made the right 'meaningful' and 'impactful' choice to enhance the game. [spoiler]They stopped playing. Check your player numbers.[/spoiler]

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                                              5 Replies
                                              • Difference between Bungie and a movie production studio. Fans: We want cores out of infusion. Entirely. Out. Bungie: Too much work. Work is hard. Fans: What is that spiky blue nightmare fuel abomination of flesh?! Jeff Fowler within like 72 hours. "Okay so I'm seeing that you're not happy with our design choice... So we're going to fix it. We're going to create a new model, and modify every shot of the character through out the entire movie, just to make fans happy. We're deeply committed to our fans being satisfied with our design choices because if we're not making this movie for fans, why are we making it?

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                                                6 Replies
                                                • Edited by TheArtist: 4/27/2019 4:35:50 PM
                                                  Flashback: What did it take to infuse a weapon in Destiny 1: Glimmer: 250 Weapon parts: 10 Motes of light: 1 Legendary shards: 3 Smh.....

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                                                  9 Replies
                                                  • What's so hard to understand is why are they so stubborn to remove this when they obviously have such a huge part of the playerbase advocating for it? Leaving these cores the way they are has not brought back or kept people playing the game. It has only drove people away. I just really don't understand how they think their thought process which is making people leave and not come back is still better than just biting the bullet and removing them.

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                                                    • Whenever I want a dose of disappointment, I just log into the forums and check your inadequate response and subsequent lack of response to the enhancement cores issue. The effort of logging into the actual game vs. the rewards of playing is still out of balance and insufficient. Hard to believe that D1 was such a great game and this mess of a game is the successor.

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