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Edited by a_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • RCFI And while you're at it, you should try this new technique I've seen some other Devs do, it's called "actually communicating with the players" Seems to work well.

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    • Edited by Derpy Taco11: 5/6/2019 7:24:14 PM
      I’ll make a deal with you Bungie. You can keep enhancement cores if this post doesn’t reach over 4500replies. :D

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      3 Replies
      • [u]Continued Enhancement Core Discussion:[/u] Community: Enhancement cores should be removed from infusion. Bungie: What's wrong with them? Community: They are bad for gameplay. Bungie: Well, in that case we will deal with this problem. Community: When will this happen? Bungie: What will happen? Community: What we talked about - enhancement cores should be removed from the infusion. Bungie: But what's wrong with these cores?

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        6 Replies
        • Edited by Daemaun: 5/6/2019 2:10:01 PM
          Can we just remove the cores from infusion at less? Keep them for masterworking

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          • Honestly? Why are bungie so stubborn about removong that failed material??? Litrally the only company i know that holds onto a bad idea when your WHOLE community is saying get rid of them. This just shows how pathetic and useless of a company you are with out someone holding your hands like Activision. Removomg the cores from infusion would make the game way better

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            • All I can say now... I wouldve bought those arc emotes if yall had removed cores. Ya lost sales.

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              3 Replies
              • Destiny is designed to be enjoyed with 3 characters. Cores and mods in their current form make it impossible without serious time commitment and RNG to have desirable builds across all 3 characters. This goes beyond cores and mods and to the the fact armour and guns should have rerollable perks to allow for builds. Bungie should embrace that players want different builds for PVP and PVE and need a reasonable means of doing this on all 3 characters. Something has to change, this is bigger than just cores.

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                4 Replies
                • Remove cores from infusion. Allow us to remove mods from armor before infusing into something else.Get more cores for dismantled masterwork armor or weapons.

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                  • Over 4K now lol. What a joke.. RCFI

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                    • The response on these forums and thus what still remains of your player base I suspect (just listen to IGN’s Fireteam Chat) is clear: “Remove cores now !” There is no need for further prolonging this one sided “conversation”. It has helped put me off regularly playing this game now...

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                      • Edited by TripleF73: 5/5/2019 4:05:00 AM
                        [b][u]Post 4001.[/u][/b] And we hit 4000 again without further comment or any attempt at a true discussion from Bungie. SMFH 🤦‍♂️

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                        7 Replies
                        • So after all this time still no updates from Bungie Not a good way to treat ur customers, especially when you will rely on them to buy ur next DLC /season pass. You have had enough time to listen to feedback, Although I doubt anyone from Bungie is reading this .

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                          4 Replies
                          • Players hate cores-oh Bungie no sorry-oh They stomp their crocs down Players kick rocks now So much their nerfing Spherical jerking Bloggers and streamers [insert] meme of a pee-er On players heads-iah Treating us like dregs-iah Randal the Vandal Couldn’t handle this scandal

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                            • I believe the only uses for enhancement cores should be for master working and re rolling the masterwork (weapons and armor)

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                              • We’re almost at 4000 posts and still no update on this issue. [spoiler][b]Remove Enhancement Cores From Infusion[/b][/spoiler]

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                                5 Replies
                                • I feel this forum topic has more players than the actual game I know I know..your gonna pass it along and I should be super duper happy to reread another great reply from the all mighty bungie. Discussion is a term for communication from 2 sides. This is talking to a wall Pro level

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                                  • RCFI

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                                    • And please remove cores. No one wants it

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                                      • please remove cores from infusion. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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                                        2 Replies
                                        • Edited by CookieNiki: 5/3/2019 7:43:54 PM
                                          Hey Bungie, [url=]this is how "good" your economy is in this game[/url], players have to STOP playing the game and resort to workarounds to be able to have a reasonable amount of infusion materials (aka enhancement cores) in order to level up their gear. Just a small quote (bold and underline parts by me) from that link I posted above: [quote]I spent a total of 1742 Legendary shards and received 1298 back for a total spend of 444 legendary shards through this process. I received in the neighborhood of around 8700 simulation seeds for my trouble, and saved out about 500 for infusion purposes, so I spent about 8200 seeds total. I received the following: - 4 exotics (3 weapons + 1 armor, all Y1 obviously) - A net gain of 30 Infusion cores - A net gain of 19 Mod components - A Ned gain of 834 weapon parts. Between purchasing the seeds and turning them in, [b]I spent about 45 minutes[/b] total. So yeah,[b] if you want the best[/b] Y1 exotic farm, [b]enhancement core farm[/b], mod component farm AND weapon part farm, [b]consider doing this even [u]though it is mind numbingly boring[/u][/b].[/quote] This is what a slow and stubborn sandbox team does to a game. [b]EDIT: the link is back on[/b]

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                                          4 Replies
                                          • Look, we know the real reason you do not want to touch the Masterwork cores is due to the idea that satisfying "Influencers" is more important than your gamers but it's apparent the player base is in full decline, and Activision was very open about how Forsaken didn't hit the target for profitability. So, you guys going to tell the community to deal on the Infusion system and then watch as D3 sells less copies than D1 and D2?

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                                            2 Replies
                                            • I just have a quick question. What was the purpose of adding enhancement cores to the game? What did you guys want to accomplish with this set up? As far as I can see it has just negatively impacted the community.

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                                              3 Replies
                                              • Edited by DeathPony07: 5/2/2019 6:36:59 AM
                                                Still waiting on you guys to get the message. How many people need to tell you to remove cores from infusion before you do it, and stop playing games.

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                                                2 Replies
                                                • Other than getting curated rolls I don't get but maybe like three or four cores from dismantling items in any given day it's Soo slow to get cores it's ridiculously hard to infuse anything.i have no masterworks other than my curated since I don't earn many cores at all. If you put them back to masterwork cores which they should have stayed that way in the first place. Cores in infusion is a stupid idea

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                                                  • We know what you want, you don't know what you want, and we're going to force you to have it. - Bungie... probably

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                                                    1 Reply
                                                    • There is no point of “enhancement” cores existing at all. [b]We all know they are just there to artificially lengthen the “grind.”[/b] [spoiler]Stop being stubborn and get rid of them. [/spoiler]

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