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Edited by Gunner Malex: 4/1/2019 3:34:55 AM

Tales of a Gunslinger Pt.18

[i]For those just tuning in the link to part one is above. Shoutout to AltroGamingBros and Venom Sprinter for working with me to create a combined series. Special thanks to Oddish for letting me take a spin with his kinderguardians. I hope I do them justice. Disclaimer I don't own any Bungie stuff. Now let's begin![/i] A whole battalion of fallen transmatted down, surrounding the kinderguardian class. Malex and Oddish stood back-to-back. Malex drew The Last Word and Oddish drew his Sweet Business. Oddish: We'll continue this later Malex: Agreed Oddish, being a sentinel titan, popped his bubble. The arc rounds smashed against the shield, but it held. Malex however, wasn't one to stay put for long. Malex: Hey kinderguardians, listen up! The class looked up at the Gunslinger Malex: Watch this... Malex leaped out of the bubble and cast his Golden Gun. The flames burned bright and the young fallen dregs ceased firing, they shook with fear. The vets just nodded with respect and kept shooting. Paula: Now that's a Golden Gun. Malex landed and immediately began firing, fanning off so many rounds so quickly Oddish wasn't sure if his Sweet Business could go faster. Any fallen around him were incinerated. But eventually his super timed out and Malex evaded back into the bubble, leaving behind piles of ash. Ricardo: Wow... Oddish: Okay, that bought us some time. We need to get back into the caves before that ketch opens up. Malex: No. We go back into those caves that ketch is just going to collapse the hole mountain on us. Oddish: Oh you have a better idea? Malex: As a matter of fact I do. (twirls Last Word) We fight. Oddish: In case you haven't noticed we have a bunch of little kids here! (motions to the kinderguardians) You can't just go hand-cannoning, off the cuff, winging it like you Gunslingers always do! We need a plan! Malex: Well why don't you have your girlfriend watch them and we go kick some a##! Oddish: She's not...Nevermind. We need to secure these kinders! That comes first! The class kept looking back between Oddish and Malex, not knowing if the two were going to kill each other or not. Ricardo: My glimmer's on Malex Petra: As if! My daddy would wreck him! Ricardo: Nah, Malex is better. Petra: Oh yeah? Well my daddy's killed more hive than any other guardian in history! What do you say to that!? Ricardo: Malex killed Oryx. Petra: ... Paula: Kids, knock it off. (turns to the two men bickering) Boys that's enough! (they shut up) Why don't we just transmatt out of here? Sigmund: Because the fallen are jamming the transmatt signal Peacemaker: And comms are being jammed Both Malex and Oddish looked to their ghosts in surprise. They were getting along much better than they were. Just then the bubble went out. Oddish: Everybody into the caves! The group ran to the caves while Malex provided cover-fire. A blast from the ketch collapsed the entrance. Oddish: Okay then... Malex: (shoots a vandal) Oddish! You and me cover the rest while they run for the woods! Come on! Oddish formed up on Malex and unleashed a fury of lead from his Sweet Business. The spent shells landed with steamy ferocity on the ground. Malex reloaded his Last Word and got to work. Fanning the hammer so quick he could almost keep up with the fire rate of the Sweet Business. Having to reload every eight rounds slowed him down a little. The kinders made it to the cover of the trees and the other two guardians soon caught up. The barrels of the Sweet Business were red hot and smoke billowed out of the barrel of The Last Word. Ricardo and Petra: That. Was. AWESOME!!! Paula smacked the back of her daughters head. Paula: It was not! We were almost killed! Petra: Sorry mom, but daddy was just so cool and... Malex: Wait? Mom? Daddy? (turns to Oddish) That's your kid!? Oddish: As a matter of fact she is. You have a problem with that? Malex: (raises hands and shrugs) Nope. No problem at all. Oddish: Good. Now gather around everybody! Time for a head count! Oddish went over his class. Ricardo, the little gunslinger. Petra, his daughter. Paula, her mother. Lillie, the tiny but rowdy warlock. David, a young warlock who's mother is a Hunter. Finally, there was Gloria, an older Kinder who was here to visit her old teacher. Oddish sighed, he had everyone. Ricardo: Mr. Oddish? Where did Malex go? Oddish: What? (looks around to see Malex had left.) Oh come on! I hate gunslingers! Ricardo: What? (tears up) Oddish: Oh no, I didn't mean that. What I meant was, I mean, you're different Ricardo. Ricardo: But I don't want to be different! (runs off crying) Paula: Oddish, see what you did? (takes off after Ricardo) Malex: (walks up laughing) Wow, that was real impressive dude. Oddish: Where did you go!? Malex: Relax I was scouting. Looks like the fallen are tracking north of us. We could make camp for the night but I'd keep moving. It's your call. Oddish: We can't move the kids anymore today. I think we should camp. Paula: (Walks up) It's no use, he won't stop crying. (glares at Oddish) Malex, can you talk to him? For whatever reason he seems to idolize you. Malex: Sure I'll talk to the kid. Malex walks over to where Ricardo was balled up and crying. Malex: Are you seriously crying!? Oh you have got to be kidding! Ricardo: (looks up and sniffles) Mr. Oddish told me I was different than everyone else! Malex: So? What's wrong with that? Ricardo: Well, it's just that. Mr. Oddish said he hates gunslingers, and that means he hates me! (cries some more) Malex: Okay first of all, stop crying. Second, shut up and listen. Ricardo: (sniffles) ... Malex: Good. Now then, kid, he doesn't hate you. Heck, I ain't even sure he hates me. I just made a bad first impression and got on his bad side. Not my best moment but I just couldn't let him be the one to teach you to Golden Gun. (sits down) Kid, you're the next generation. You are the future Gunslinger, so you need to know the code. Our creed. And you REALLY need to work on that draw. You'll get better, I'll see to that. Ricardo: Okay Mr. Malex. I got this. Malex: Of course you do (thinks a moment) You know what I might have a present for you. Ricardo: Really? What is it? Malex: It's (explosion) What the...!? Oddish comes running up, surrounded by kids. Oddish: The fallen found us, we need to move. Malex: There should be more sturdy caves due east. Oddish: then that's the ticket, let's MOVE!!! The ketch rained fire down on them as they ran. They almost made it to the cave when something unspeakable happened. Petra: Daddy I... (tansmatted up to the ketch) Oddish: No... One by one the kinderguardians were transmatted to the ship. Soon Paula joined them. Malex knew what was happening, he Golden Gunned the cliff face causing a rock slide. The boulders fell on him and Oddish. [i] Five Hours Later[/i] Oddish's hand broke through the rock pile, the fest of him soon followed. The ketch was gone. Malex Golden Gunned out of the pile and fell to the ground. Malex: Thanks for the res buddy (puts Peacemaker away) Oddish: What did you do? (picks Malex up) WHAT DID YOU DO!!!? Malex: The boulders blocked the ketch's transmatt signal so they couldn't get us too. (pushes out of the titan's grasp) You're welcome. Oddish: Your welcome!? Do you know what just happened? (drops to his knees) the Fallen took my class. They took my daughter... [i]To be Continued[/i] Part 19:

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