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3/24/2019 12:14:40 AM

Open invitation to any Bungie developers that would like to have a discussion with the forum community on investment and progression

We've now had 7 months of feedback as well as a couple posts from Coz and dmg asking for further feedback on the topic of infusion. The forum community has discussed it to extreme lengths and piled up mountains of feedback on the current investment and progression systems and how things like Cores and "meaningful infusion" affect the player experience. From those discussions, a large segment of this community don't feel we've seen any real actionable solutions to the problem. As a community, we don't feel that these closed discussions amongst ourselves are having any real impact and to the contrary, the relationship between us and the studio is becoming increasingly strained by the growing frustrations and perceived lack of understanding from those making the calls at the studio. We are aware that there is another community summit happening next week and it is our hope that there will be a better representation of views that take into account more the everyday player who isn't looking for Destiny to be a job. The Summits are a good thing and I know I personally hope they continue with new voices getting a chance to go and share their thoughts on the game with each one. That said, this community would love to have forum Q&As with developers on various topics from time to time and discussions that truly go both ways with real give and take vs only our closed talks that are summarized and relayed. We believe this will only serve to strengthen the relationship between the everyday player and the developers and lead to more talking to each other and not as much at each other. This was done to great success in early D1 over the topic of PvP and with the current growing divide between us, would be a welcome sign that these thoughts and opinions we see posted here daily matter. If you want to join us, Bungie, we'd love to talk. Thank you.

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  • They don't care, man. Even Cozmo and DMG went back to radio silence after the turd sandwich was served.

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    • Good luck with that.

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    • 488 up votes as of right now but this isn't on the trending page for some reason, i would say I'm surprised but that would be a lie.

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    • This is your biggest gripe with the game? You are misguided, I would rank this like the 7th biggest issue.

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    • As long as they aren't talking to Sols then sure. Great idea.

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    • Please also talk about PvP experience (evidence above)

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    • We are meeting with streamers that most people haven’t heard of that are also supported by fake numbers. They will represent you and the talks will be closed. We are not in denial and are happy with our forsaken numbers. We have sold the same destiny three times now; not included in DLC. We have re skinned DLC and sold it multiple times. I think we know what we’re doing here. We hear the outcry’s and will take a look at grenade launchers and hunter capes.

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    • There is no problem with cores and progression in Destiny 2. It is literally a made up problem. Cores do not affect progression. Screaming loudly that they do doesn't make it less of a lie. Maybe, just maybe, the reason you haven't gotten what you wanted even after screaming about it for months is because your opinion doesn't match the opinion of the majority of the player base nor does it match the direction the developers want to take the game. Maybe, just maybe, we have all heard your complaining loud and clear, but you don't actually have a good argument nor a good opinion. Maybe, just maybe, forming a mob doesn't make your demands more credible or worthwhile. At this point, the fake argument and outrage over enhancement cores is bordering on social terrorism. Calm down. Play the game. Play a different game. Stop trying to threaten and scream down people who don't agree with you.

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      235 Replies
      • Valiant effort. But Hell will freeze over before one of them shows up here. 1. Because after 7 months of frustration, they’d get shredded. 2. They’d be here trying to defend the indefensible. 3. The TWAB is the party line. They aren’t interested in a respectful relationship on this. They simply want us playing at any cost, and don’t really care if we’re enjoying the experience. [i]Only one sentence in that whole PR train wreck on Thursday even mentioned player satisfactions. The rest was all about Bungie.[/i] We weren’t being talked to. We were being arrogantly lectured. As if we’re all too dim-witted to understand the [i]masterpiece[/i] they’ve created. As if.....

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        • Still crickets from Bungie?

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          • Cozho and dmg completely ignoring this thread, such a shame

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          • theres not much to be discussed here , infusion cores needs to go away ASAP or the game might as well die completely

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            • Would be nice.

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            • A forum ama would lead these dev's to suicide

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              • [quote] We are aware that there is another community summit happening next week and it is our hope that there will be a better representation of views that take into account more the everyday player who isn't looking for Destiny to be a job. [/quote] For everyone's sake I hope it does.

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              • Unless your name is Goth or one of those other streamers(that don't even play the damn game anymore) then Bungie doesn't care about your opinion.

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              • The fact that you thought this would work is hilarious 😂😂😂😂

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              • Lol i see no response to your post from DMG or Cozmo. They did post on a few others with less upvotes though.

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              • Thanks for the suggestion, Sols. We all would really benefit from something like a Bungie+Community dialog on infusion and a few other topics. Having said that, Bungie already has a self-designated platform for dialog with the community and it [i]is[/i] the summit [i]exclusively[/i]. While I wish we could have constructive conversations, community venom and Bungie confirmation bias and thin-skin make it a practical impossibility. It is unfortunate. I don't think the summit has proven to be representative of the community IMHO, and therefore only feeds toxicity around Bungie ignoring player feedback.

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                • Bump

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                • Invite me if you ever get an answer! I have ideas for days. Peaccccce

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                • It would be a welcome sign that our thoughts mattered. But as you can clearly see they dont. The months have racked up a very significant amount of repeated posts over several issues. Buffing scouts and autos and infusion just to name a couple. It's all falling on deaf ears.

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                • ...entire argument over Cores in that it's based on a false economy that was completely unnecessary and not once requested before it was introduced late into the game's lifecycle, causing this community's... [spoiler]Ironic isn't it 😩[/spoiler]

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                • [quote]Open invitation to any Bungie developers that would like to have a discussion with the forum community on investment and progression[/quote] This sounds good in theory, but this forum community wouldn't be.....civil. It would need to be [u]heavily[/u] moderated. Just look what happens whenever Cozmo posts; you almost immediately get 100's of replies, most of which either have nothing to do with the topic or are just smart a$$ comments lending absolutely nothing productive.

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                • Lost, you know what would really help the forums get their point across? One thread that was clearly and concisely written airing all of our grievances and possible solutions. Then upvote the hell out of that puppy showing a unified front to the studio. What we have however, is a flood of threads with half or no thought process going into it. Several of the "Anti Cores" threads that I've seen dominating the front page is just a copy and paste argument from one person who left the forum months ago. Any civil discourse goes out the window when someone disagrees with the OP, no matter how polite or civil the post is. "Bungo Shill" "Koolaid Drinker" "Fanboy" "Deluded Idiot" "Dumbass, lol" Even if you aren't siding with Bungie, you're instantly downvoted and set to mute by the rabid base of copy and pasters who can't keep a valid argument going for more than five minutes. In my twenties, I had no problem verbally dueling with these people and would do so for [i]hours[/i], but now it just gets old. I've been here since the Halo days and remember the epic goofiness from those times. I remember when you could argue with a CoD fanboy for an hour and then crack jokes about some crazy stuff you pulled off in the crucible. First Light was a good map for that. Now thanks to the idiots and the trolls, you can't even have a discussion on any subject without it devolving into the same old tired cliches. TLDR- If you want to make a solid statement that the entire forums can stand behind, then make [b][i][u]ONE[/u][/i][/b] thread. A thread where we can all upvote and have a concise and fact backed place to plant the flag. [i]Down with the lazy Copy and Paste Idiots![/i]

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                  23 Replies
                  • At some point, I think we (certainly, I) have to realise that this is not our game. It's Bungie's, and Bungie will do what they are wont to do. Is this truly a new world where studios develop games in tandem with their audience(s)? I'm not sure. some signs point hat way. With the advent of the much more open communication channels via social media, players are able to speak with a louder voice than they used to via email, or reaching back further, snail mail directly to the publisher or magazine or by telephone. However, larger IP, juggernaut IP may not be able to support such feedback and rapid change. I'm not sure Bungie can or even want to make this game [i][b]with[/b][/i] their communities, and we may have to accept that, whether that means continuing to play, leaving it altogether, or something in-between (which is where I am, now). You've been to the summit. It's not really for feedback. At best, Bungie are after confirmation bias. They pick out what they want to hear. These summits are about pushing what's in the pipeline. They're listening. I'm betting there's a whole lot of "yeah, but..." left unspoken from the Bungie side of the summit comvos. There is a culture at Bungie that remains unbroken, and Destiny will not be the IP that changes they way they work.

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