My taken arrival transmat gets a green colour to it with thorn equipped. Have tested, can confirm it’s thorn specifc. Dunno if it’s the same with other transmat effects
Wouldn’t it be cool if after a few months of having it equipped it started to change your actual character and guns, like with dredgen Yor?
The recoil animation still needs fixing though
Maybe Thorn has it's own Transmat effect.
Not sure if its related to having Thorn equiped but when i was killing stuff randomly in the Dreaming city i unlocked a lore the thorn and rose, i had the thorn equiped.
Got a clip? I'd like to see such an occurrence.
you can also, kill a blight through a shield with thorn.
I'm willing to bet it's Hive Arrival
Really? That is cool
Hmmmm I’ll have to try it out
I’m trying this out
New effects without an Everse purchase? This will get patched posthaste.