I have not purchased forsaken since d2 has cured me from pre ordering and I have not purchased anthem. Taking a wait and see approach these days but I just watched what an anthem update is going to do to the loot and upgrading weapons/gear and tbh, it makes me wonder how d2 can be so slow to fix anything... Division was lame out of the gate after leveling a character but Ubisoft eventually turned it all around and made it a game worth playing in between Destiny dry spells. Looking forward to the division2 open beta this weekend to see if any fixes implemented since private beta. Still not pre ordering... In the mean time I've learned a new appreciation for Warframe and the way digital extremes manages their game and community. Community managers there are doing a live twitch stream tonight. Like the game or not but they interact with actual players, answer real questions, and play the new content. Just saying some community managers at bungie could watch and learn how to do their jobs.