Not entirely considering that they reintroduced the thorn quest in Rise of Iron without the death loss mechanic put in.
Yeah, but since they did it with TLW ... I figure they will do it again. I wish D2 was more like D1 Rise of Iron and Age of Triumph.
Well they did get a bit of flak when it was introduced, so I dunno what will happen at this stage. I don't like the idea of banging my head against the wall having to play the one section of the game I don't find fun in the least. Ace of Spades was alright since it was just get headshots and no losing them on death but anything with a death loss mechanic in PVP I don't like. The gambit handcannon was alright too despite the loss since it was much easier to avoid losing progression. Granted I did get thorn in D1 during it's initial run, didn't mean I liked any part of my time spent doing that though.