Sorry watched Vidoc and I hate it already. - zero excitement at all! Who asked for Gambit Private Matches (I have never once seen someone asking for this on forums? Who asked for Gambit to be like Raids? I hate raiding as it is and I am a solo player who does not use chat/mic - will this go against me as it seems like I don’t fit in with this?
I could say more, but truthfully - this Vidoc was not worth the wait and I’m just scurnered!
11th reset? Holy Crap....
[quote]11th reset? Holy Crap....[/quote] Yeah right. I stopped after I got the trust. I just needed it for hand cannon kills and that god awful Luna quest. I ended up with the sunfall 7 though! I got hundreds of kills with that.
[quote]11th reset? Holy Crap....[/quote] HaHa Just got the 11th Reset last night. I cannae help masel playing it, even though it rages me often.
Edited by TattooedOni: 2/28/2019 6:44:28 PMNo problem, I stoped at 6 or 7 resets. You’re a Gambit madman.
[quote]No problem, I stoped at 6 or 7 resets. You’re a Gambit madman.[/quote] HaHa I cannae help masel! Like I said before, I like Gambit but not how Bungie have done things and ignored major flaws within Gambit.
I can agree with your sentiment. Before Forsaken launched I was picked to be on a team for that Forsaken preview Bungie Bounty. Our Bungie teammate was a designer of Gambit. Just by playing with him for an hour I could see just how much he loved the game mode and working on it so in general I expect it to improve over time but it’s hard to steer the battleship especially with that leadership you know?
[quote]I can agree with your sentiment. Before Forsaken launched I was picked to be on a team for that Forsaken preview Bungie Bounty. Our Bungie teammate was a designer of Gambit. Just by playing with him for an hour I could see just how much he loved the game mode and working on it so in general I expect it to improve over time but it’s hard to steer the battleship especially with that leadership you know?[/quote] That’s the problem, leadership can tie your hands no matter how passionate you are! Gambit could have and should have been so much better than it was! Perhaps this new changes will improve Gambit, just sadly, I don’t think I fit in with it.
That’s fair, but we need to wait and see.
[quote]That’s fair, but we need to wait and see.[/quote] We do indeed and hopefully, I am proven wrong and if so, I will be the first to say on Forums, that I was wrong.... but I never am 😉
Doesn't use chat or mic. Socially redundant. Who's problem is that?
[quote]Doesn't use chat or mic. Socially redundant. Who's problem is that?[/quote] First of all, have I ever insulted you with posts that you have made - no, I haven’t! Secondly, have you thought for one minute that there maybe a valid reason as to why I don’t use a mic nor chat, and that I may not want to disclose this on here? Yes, the problem is mine - I never said otherwise!
Then why complain about a self inflicted problem?
[quote]Then why complain about a self inflicted problem?[/quote] You are very ignorant and arrogant - did I once say I had a self inflicted problem? Also, am I not entitle as a player to air my views on this forum or should I only ever say something that you agree with?
You don't use chat, right? You don't use a mic, right? Yet you whinge, like an entitled kid, about new activities that require team work and communication. I'll repeat myself, as it was clearly lost on you... "Who's fault is that?"
[quote]You don't use chat, right? You don't use a mic, right? Yet you whinge, like an entitled kid, about new activities that require team work and communication. I'll repeat myself, as it was clearly lost on you... "Who's fault is that?"[/quote] If I have wronged you in anyway, I sincerely apologies! Let’s just agree to disagree with this please? As a community it’s great that we have differing views, that’s what it should be. But as a community, our goal as a community should be the same, ensuring that D2 is that best that it can and should be - but we shouldn’t be falling oot wi one anither!
Edited by TheMacBulls: 2/28/2019 8:09:32 PM[quote]You don't use chat, right? You don't use a mic, right? Yet you whinge, like an entitled kid, about new activities that require team work and communication. I'll repeat myself, as it was clearly lost on you... "Who's fault is that?"[/quote] First of all, you aren’t n a position to judge me nor do you know anything at all about my personal circumstances! You are very condescending and patronising and I’m utterly confused as I do not recall doin you any wrong - so why you are like this, perplexes me? What gives you the right to insult me, to say that I’m entitled? Everything I got in this game, I put the effort in and not nice felt I was entitled to anything! Yes, I’m not happy that after all these months of D2 becoming stale and repetitive, what has Bungie come up with.... gambit modes, a mode where they have said it’s like going into a raid - why should I be happy about that? This is a forum for the game, if I want to air my displeasure then I am entitled too - you don’t have to agree with me, but you certainly do not need to act the way you are with me! Yet, you have taking it upon yourself to be insulting towards me - judging me, without even knowing anything about me! EDIT: And of what I recall, you didn’t ask me before Who’s fault is that - you said who’s problem, which I answered! Yes this is my problem, my fault but it doesn’t give you any right to jump down my throat, insult and judge me without knowing me! I have never jumped down your throat or berated your opinions when you have posted on here! End of day, I say it again - this forum is for us players, to air whatever we are thinking about the game, the direction it’s going, the positives and the negatives. It is not the place for people like you to create toxicity and to put other players down! You call me a kid, perhaps you should take a long hard look at yourself! You could easily have disagreed with me, in a mare constructive, mature way but you opted for this!
See whit ah mean? Too many choobs trying to start fir nae reason. Bloody millennials 🙄
[quote]See whit ah mean? Too many choobs trying to start fir nae reason. Bloody millennials 🙄[/quote] HaHa We are all passionate in oor own ways wi this game HaHa
Then leave
[quote]Then leave[/quote] Textbook toxicity. Try being positive. [quote]I can suggest a number of ways to find people to play Destiny with. I’ve been using them for years as a solo player. I got Dredgen as a solo player. Msg me if you want some advice.[/quote] That’s positive. The playerbase is already at 5% of total players and you’re telling people to quit. You must hate Bungie and D2.
I agree he could've said in a different manner, but frankly leaving is all that's left to do. People aren't happy, or enjoying their time...they need to stop playing. You can't complain the game is bad, yet play it daily. You can voice your concerns, and move on. If you want change it takes action and the only action is to drive those numbers down, so that Bungie takes notice. The fluctuation in numbers can be seen as normal dry spells. The constant decline in numbers, there is only 1 excuse for and that's player unhappiness. Something any respectable company should not tolerate. I'm not asking to start a boycott, or anything...I'm merely saying practice what you preach. If you are unhappy, voice your concern and stop logging in. As it stands, voicing your concern and logging on daily only displays the community frustration as a form of whining. You don't sit there and eat your entire plate of food and each bite complain about it. You say, this is disgusting and push the food away from you.
I get you’re trying to be a professional level internet arguer, but you’re barking up the wrong tree. The other user displays nothing but toxic behavior while claiming to be positive. There isn’t anything positive about telling people to leave the game because they hold a different opinion to you. That is all.
Professional internet arguer? What? I'm not even arguing. Just making an observation that if you want change, as with all things in life that takes action. And as I stated, he could've done this in an entirely different manner. Did you honestly just try to insult me and call me toxic at the same time?
[quote]Professional internet arguer? What? I'm not even arguing. Just making an observation that if you want change, as with all things in life that takes action. And as I stated, he could've done this in an entirely different manner. Did you honestly just try to insult me and call me toxic at the same time?[/quote] I said: [quote]I get you’re trying to be a professional level internet arguer, but you’re barking up the wrong tree. [/quote] I didn’t say professional internet arguer, that would imply someone would pay you. I didn’t say anything about you being toxic. Are you sure you read AND understood the words I wrote? I already said my reply once, I’m not going to keep going over and over it with you. There isn’t anything positive about telling people who don’t share your opinion to quit playing the game. The end.
It isn't about others opinions. It's about your own. You don't enjoy something, don't do it. That's a basic part of life in general. You're a smug lil shit aren't ya.... But by all means continue [b]trying[/b] to be positive.