"It's not going to just be Gambit. But hey, by the way, Gambit, Competitive Gambit, Gambit Gambit, gambino gambitter gambattle. New pve activity, to prepare you for gamblooey. Gambit fashion, shifty shiny gambocity. Pinnacle pvp smg, and pve scout. Returning D1 content. Gilded redacted. But until then PLAY SOME MOTHALUVIN GAMBIT YA'LL, ALRIGHTALRIGHTALRUGHURG"
Just... Great. 😒
Lol, yup figured it would be all about gambit
For some reason they seem to think that telling the story of the Host of Gambit, through Gambit, and other Gambit related activities, is somehow more than Gambit...
You forgot gamboy advance
"They's, uh, gambit-kabobs, gambit creole, gambit gumbo. ... There's pineapple gambit, lemon gambit, coconut gambit, pepper gambit, gambit soup, gambit stew, gambit salad, gambit and potatoes, gambit burger, gambit sandwich..."
Ok Bubba Gambit... lol
“Get your Gambit Dogs here!”
That's... that's about it.
Lieutenaaaaant Drifter
You literally play every day. You will love it and play it lol.
I've been fairly vocal about my distaste for Gambit since the beginning. Nothing has changed.
It's funny because the games you have played you've won a lot.
Just because I hate the mode, doesn't mean I'm bad at it. I have an 83.83% win rate according to Charlemagne. Know why? Because I go in there to win, so I can gtfo.
What do you hate about it?
The list of what I don't is a lot shorter... Let's start with the broad and obvious, the entire game-mode. I hate PvPvE. If I'm going to PvP, I wanna PvP. If I'm going to PvE, I want to PvE. This is just a shittier version of the two, crammed together. PvE players have to deal with PvP players, and vice versa. It is an unpleasant experience to have someone come in and tamper with your objective. Slightly less broad, matchmaking. I hate playing solo, and getting paired with a bunch of blueberries that think getting 15 motes is actually a good idea. I hate playing with a group, and getting hatemail from solos for being a toxic clan that's just out to stomp. I hate the frequent disconnects, error codes, rage quits, and imbalances in skill. I hate getting knocked out of a game, and then being scolded as if it was my fault. Thinking of being scolded, I hate the drifter. His character model is atrocious, backstory uninteresting, and dialogue, cringe-worthy. The waiting room is just a glorified version of the Trials intro screens where you had to see the teams line up, only now you get to deal with people running around, teabagging, emoting, pushing and shooting. Very similar to the old PoE days where you would be paired up with some 10 y/o who got into the koolaid and refuses to sit still, just wanting to punch you, and dance at you until you acknowledge their presence. Then we come to more technical problems, I hate the motes. The amount of times I've had motes drop through the map, exist on the map, but can't be picked up, get hoovered by a teammate as they run by even as I stand on them, etc. I hate the strategy of what motes to pickup and when. I hate that they expire rather rapidly. I hate that the invaders sole job is to dome you when you have a pocket full of them. I hate that if I have 7, and a teammate has three, we only send one small blocker, instead of one medium, or two smalls. I hate that it's simply a race to getting the first invade, so you can keep the enemies from invading. Thinking of racing, I hate the competition aspect. I hate knowing that if I'm having a good time, it's because someone else is having a terrible time. I hate how critical I become when I see my teammates not performing at (what I think is) peak performance. I hate the sense of urgency, and emphasis placed on winning. Along with winning, I hate the bounties that seem to be doing their best to keep you (or anyone else doing the bounties) from actually winning. I hate how they make you play in a certain way, with certain weapons/powers. I hate how unrewarding it all feels unless you have finally achieved a pinnacle weapon, or completed one of the long form quests. Then we start coming to things like the armor, weapons, maps. Fairly underwhelming on all fronts. Weapons that could have potential with a good roll, but are nigh unattainable because of RNG and the weighting system for rewards. Armor that doesn't take shaders well at all, and is kind of dingy looking (purely subjective, I know, but you asked so...). The maps, where to even start with the maps... There's not many, first and foremost. The invader spawn points are few and easily predictable (could be seen as good or bad tbh), and pitfalls... pitfalls everywhere. With the context of maps, let's talk about enemies. The random enemy type makes each map lose some identity. The enemies often spam abilities and hit with such fervor, that momentarily being out of position or away from a teammate can leave you shredded before you can do anything about it. Scorn, notorious for this with the flood of red bars that teleport around, often getting stuck in the geometry of the map and breaking other enemy spawns, surrounding you before you know it, while multiple Aboms sit back and repeatedly slam you with their long range attacks. Shriekers, insanely strong, positioned near each other, just an endless flow of purple, and even when you kill the damn things, their shells can come crashing to the map, killing you with Destiny's notoriously funky physics. Enemies are also manipulated and there is a severe gating on your power. An enemy that would normally take a shot or two to dispatch, now takes double or triple the amount of damage. While our level is being manipulated on the PvE side, they so graciously allow us to have power level enabled on the PvP side, leaving the haves to shit all over the have nots. Why manipulate one, and not the other? It's a stupid system in IB, and it's a stupid system here. Thinking of manipulation, the backend trying to push us into three rounds. The sudden spikes of lag from out of nowhere, enemies that suddenly hit twice as hard, etc. I hate playing a game that I know is being manipulated. Do I need to go on? Nearly every aspect of Gambit is negative in my eyes. I've said as much before, and I'll say as much again.
Agreed. Bounties and Triumphs are almost the entire reason I haven’t played Gambit in months. And if I’m forced to play GambitPrime every time I want to queue into the Reckoning, both will just be dead events to me.
Mail right on the head. I am PvE player, and never enjoyed gambit. Never was a problem in D1. D2 I didn't enjoy, but foresaken broke the monoteny. Black armory was not for players like me. Ok. Now season of the drifter is super gambit. I cannot not stress enough how much I regret the season pass. Hopefully I can lfg D1 and fire that up again.
Well said
Can't wait for a cameo appearance by Childish Gambino
Gambit was always competitive pvp, going by the headline of the gametype anyway. But now, it's sweatier. Sheesh.