Hello, hello, so a little about us, we're a smaller group and are all good friends, and mostly older players. We're currently looking for a few more people who would like to raid, or learn the encounters. No experience required! All we ask is you're chill, like to laugh, and don't rage over a game. Bonus if you enjoy drinking a few beers while we raid.
We also do a lot of crucible, gambit, and help with quests.
We're mainly active after 7PM EST, after work, and family time. If this sounds like your deal, let me know! All light levels welcomed.
We do use the D2 clan chat to organize raids, so it helps if you have it =)
I’m very interested in doing some raids haven’t had a chance to do any this year for destiny but for D1 did all of them n loved hanging out n raiding with a chill group. Y’all sound like a fun group to join up n I’m mostly online nights after work n family time central Time. If y’all have one more spot n would like to teach a old newbie this year raids or do anything else lmk psn superboy2777 n wish PlayStation would let’s us change gamer tags lol