i can no longer enjoy a gaming session in the crucible, always getting killed by shotguns.
the crucible is supposed to be fun, my best friends who used to play destiny have left for this reason to move onto more balanced games such as fortnite and apex .
can we please have a game mode without shotguns and luna's howl as it is getting very boring and very annoying , or just keep them in competitive
i have now smashed a controller out of sheer rage because of this, that means i can no longer play destiny or at least the crucible as it is causing too much stress instead of enjoyment
all those who use these weapons please note that you are ruining the game for everyone else , keep your shotgun sliding for competitive
No, you'll just bitch about fusion rifles btw they're great counters and can kill at greater ranges. This isn't a balance issue, given your stats you'd have issues no matter what is nerfed or banned. You also broke a controller over this, I've gotten mad but never that mad and my stats are average at best.