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2/18/2019 1:01:40 PM

Memorable last stands in your gaming career?

It could just be because I’ve finally watched [url=]the finale to the Helsreach animation series[/url], but I’ve got last stands on my mind. We play violent games. That’s for sure. But we’re not all battle royale and team deathmatch folks, right? We’ve had moments where we had to hold the line, stop the charge, or just keep something safe against dangerous odds, right? If you have any, I think I’d like to hear your own last stands, if you can remember them. Moments you gave it all in hopes for a pyrrhic victory if there’s gonna be a victory at all. Whether you actually won or lost doesn’t matter.

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    Gansito - old

    Ghost and roach from MW2

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  • Halo 2, CTF on Zanzibar. We are headed back to base with flag in a warthog, it was already 1-1 so this was a clutch moment. Blasted by a rocket, driver and gunner dead and my shields drained. My 9 year old adrenaline was on point, and I took rocket guy down with a OSOK with sniper and bodied the next guy and finished with melee. Grabbed flag and got into cover while waiting for reinforcement from spawning teammates. My teammates come in while I was pinned down by BR fire, and manage to kill the other two dudes in the interm of the others respawning. I forgot to mention we were down a guy due to either lag or just random quit out. 4v3 from the get go. It basically became a mad dash for the flag drop at the beach spawn. Right as I capped the flag I was run over by an enemy in a ghost. I've had quite a few 1v5 fights back in Gears 2 Guardian, I was a beast back in those days so to me it was just normal to win. Every once in a blue moon I would face a player who actually made me sweat for it. Battlefield 2,3, and 4 I also had some very fun and unforgettable moments. Laying down extreme distance cover fire with my M40A03 or being neck deep in the shit layed up with my LMG holding down a fixed point.

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  • Dissidia 012, Scenario 000 Feral Chaos. Was on my last character, he had half his total HP remaining (a little over 60k HP). I fought almost all of it away until we both had around 2k HP, and he finally hit me with his EX Burst. This EX Burst, for reference, kicks the players into a different zone for about 30 seconds where Feral Chaos is supposed to kick your face in. Timer runs out, the EX Burst goes off in full and in Scenario 000, that was a guaranteed knockout. I beat him with 6 seconds to spare.

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  • Got a peach of one from the early days of Destiny. It was our first ever run through VoG, we were under-geared as hell and fighting the Templar. He went to Enrage, and we all converged back to the relic holder (me) because we were 2 players down (died at the onset of Enrage), knew we wouldnt be able to handle adds AND the Oracle spam, so we focused on killing adds together and cleansing when needed. A 3rd player went down and we just couldnt manage to get his rez what with the unrelenting assault from minotaurs and vex. One of the three told me to fire my super at the Templar if I had it, so I did when I had half a seconds breathing space. He suicide rushed it with a rocket launcher and took it down as me and the remaining player approached the verge of being totally overwhelmed.

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  • Good ol game of infection. Killionaires galore.

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    • Me and 3 buddies played halo 3 campaign on legendary difficulty. Took us a solid day to beat it. Lots of laughs and frustration and then the satisfaction of finally beating it was pretty memorable

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    • It doesn't matter if it's scripted, but Halo Reach will forever have the best last stand. There is no way it can ever be beat.

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    • Minecraft: Battle for the Cowny Castle -when I was fighting back a huge wave of attackers in who were trying to take the last flag. It was a tug of war.

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    • Dammit, all my memorable gaming moments are from density.

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      • Edited by f3: 2/18/2019 1:41:17 PM
        The only time the really sticks out was way back when I played GRAW 2. I remember I was backed into a corner at the end of a ravine or some shit with what teammates I had left, trying to hold off waves of AI until we all went down. That was a great game and I always forget it exists.

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        • I think it’s high time I add a last stand of my own to the mix: Rising Storm 2 has a campaign mode that involves one team trying to finish a series of attacks to drain the CP of the enemy team. I was a part of the North Vietnam faction, and we were on a roll in terms of attacking. Then we made a couple mistakes in terms of battlefields, and the US got the advantage. They decided to attack Hue City, and they came in full force. Points A, B, and C were lost with little resistance. D and E were held on to for a few minutes but they were flushed out in due time too. The last point was open, and we both had hundreds of bodies to toss onto it. Like all the other points, our efforts to set up defenses failed and the enemy was in our courtyard (point F). With that, we just started tossing ourselves onto the point. The charge was enough to push them back, but that was only 20 or so tickets taken off their total. Every lane of entry became a firefight. Artillery took turns blasting each side of the building. I like many other grunts built a pattern: spawn, run down to the front of the building F’s in the middle of (stopping under roofs if we’re being shelled), toss grenades towards the front, take cover, try to gun down an enemy or two, die, repeat. Sometimes the timing was off during artillery barrage charges. Sometimes the point was coated in napalm. Sometimes I’d get enough kills to pick grenades and pistols off the enemy and keeping fighting from there. Somehow, this lasted long enough to win by locking down the point. Both sides were down to maybe 30 or so tickets between them, and we lost the war after that through another bad choice and everyone leaving, but for those 15 or so minutes it was nothing but fury, instinct, and munitions.

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        • I'm horrible at pvp. In a 3v3 match that ky friends were carrying me through because they are really good and very nice, I ended up being the last man standing and the enemy team had 3 guys left. Heavy spawns. I run toward it thinking it's my only hope. An enemy gets it, jumps up in the air, and he has a rocket launcher. I get a super lucky snipe, headshot him, he dies. I take damage from the left. Turn and snipe, headshot kill. Third guy throws grenades, I run and slide back, he goes for a revive, I pop up from cover and headshot snipe. The only time in my life I did something that good in PvP, killed 3 enemies within 7 or so seconds, all with sniper headshots and won us the round. Afyer that I proceeded to go back to ducking while getting carried lol.

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        • I was in a Florida High School...

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          • D2 comp, was survival and all teammates got knocked out with enemy team having 5 lives left. Managed to evade them and pick them off one by one until we won the round

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          • Closest I’ve got was last year, playing 2v2 in Super Smash Bros Brawl. My teammate died pretty quickly (he was pretty new to the game), and I somehow managed to scratch a win out against both of my buddies.

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          • D1 VoG hard mode. I remember it really well. He’d been struggling on Atheon for awhile, on a run that could’ve been our last if we failed, we were so close to finally beating it. However, on the last phase, three got teleported, and the other two outside died, I had to defend alone. When they finally got out, it was disaster. I died, another one died as well. The last hunter tried to use their golden gun but died before he could get the shot off, and the last Titan died, but miraculously, got off one Gjallarhorn shot that took Atheon down. And, I get Vex Mythoclast from that, it was such a cool moment that felt like a movie scene.

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          • D1: Hard Mode King’s Fall Raid. Oryx. I was the only guy left alive, everyone managed to die in the last damage pet of Oryx. I was kinda using a joke load out, and the only weapon I had any ammo in was the Last Word. Everyone thought we would fail. Fireteam Leader threatened to kick me if I didn’t kill him. To everyone’s surprise, including my own, I killed Oryx with the Last Word. On the last mag too.

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          • John Marston in RDR1

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          • Well.. you know the Juggernauts you have to defend in one of Battlefronts maps, I defended that thing with 10 officers just constantly healing and shouting while like every single villain (Darth Vader, Maul, etc.) was attacking us... [spoiler]It lasted for 10 solid minutes and it was amazing...[/spoiler]

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          • Siege with Hibana, attacking snowmobile garage, 1v4. Everything else I can remember is destiny 1 trials.

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          • Edited by JestingWorm697: 2/19/2019 5:41:44 PM
            One [url=]Thing[/url] Happened during a losing final match at a tournament

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            • Edited by Starkweather: 2/19/2019 9:29:38 PM
              Destiny 1. Terrible at Trials of Osiris. My teammates go down and somehow I survived. Just me against three hardcore sweaties. Pulled out my Saladins Vigil and in that hallway I stood my ground, baited them like a pro, expertly avoided sniper shots and Eysaluna rounds. Came out on top. That was INTENSE.

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            • For Honor: I was a Warden playing 4v4 deathmatch, except it had gotten down to 2v3, 2 being my team. Rando on my team was doing a 1v1 duel with someone, while I got tag-teamed by the other 2. It was almost certain that we were gonna lose considering 2 of our teammates got steamrolled like a minute into the match. Also note I’m usually not too good of a player. I can fight, but my blocking is pretty shit half the time. However, this time was different. Despite being tag-teamed, I managed to effectively block 2 players both attacking me at the same time. Eventually, I downed one of them. Once it was 1v1, I knew I could handle my own, and that I did. Downed the other guy just as my rando friend got his ass clapped by the 3rd guy on the enemy team, who happened to be a Shugoki. I turned to face him. We both aimed at each other until he made the first move. I managed to roll out of the way and hit him with light attacks several times. Over the course of the battle, he hit me a few times, but I eventually beat him and performed a finisher on him. I was so proud of myself

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            • Eh. Maybe the 1v4 I got as buck on fortress when it first launched on R6. Or that time I got a team wipe on Overwatch with dragon blade.

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            • Rainbow six siege, someone yinged their team and I got a nice ace out of it.

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              • Domination - For Honor. We were getting slaughter by a spam peacekeeper, none of us could kill her (4 complete rando's.) It came down to the last stand, this is the only time I remember something like this happening on for Honor. We actually grouped up on our only objective and all 4 of us just sat there (me being a Shugoki they couldn't beat us in a team fight.) We sat there for a while, the enemy team tried to get some kills on us but we just butchered them when they tried. They eventually gave up and we're just waiting to beat us on points. My whole team cottoned on a we moved as a team and took the centre objective. At that point the enemy was screwed they had to team fight us, they were idiots and we baited them to jump from there objective an try Insta kill us. Needless to say that failed and we won one of the most lost games I can remember ever playing on any game. That and it was the first time on for Honor were my team actually worked as a team to win the game.

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