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Edited by deatheater200: 2/10/2019 3:44:21 AM

AsteriskV2 Season 3 Part 1

(Still in the bunker with the main group. Hammer and Worm sit on a bar stool near Disciple as they wonder what to do about him) HammerFist: *whispering to Worm*. "He doesn't seem to be getting any better, what should we do?" Worm: *thinks for a second and then whispers back*. "I think a couple of us should stay here and watch him while the others look for Loot." (False quietly approaches Worm and Hammer with a concerned look on his face) False: "what's happened while I was out?" Worm: *looks to Hammer, then back to False*. "We've been idle for too long, I think Snowy's death is starting to get to Disciple mentally." (False looks to Disciple as he is curled up in a ball in the corner of the bunker room) False: *crosses his arms and shakes his head*. "It's going to take a good amount of time for him to recover, he may not even recover at all." (Hammer quickly stands up and faces False with disbelief) HammerFist: "that can't be true, can it?" False: "I'm only saying what's on my mind, i am a medic after all." (Hammer slowly points his head to the floor and sits back down) Darth Turtle: *chuckles as he stands near the exit door*. "Mental breakdown over a stupid girl? That's rich." Artemis: *stares at Turtle with a disgusted look*. "...." Darth Turtle: *flips his hair*. "Stare at me all you want, I like the attention." (Worm clears his throat and stands in the middle of the room as he gets everyone's attention.) Worm: "3 of us will stay here and look over Disciple. Those 3 will be Artemis, Jay, and False. The rest of you will be with myself and Hammer looking for Loot." Artemis: *raises her hand*. "Are you sure you don't want a healer with you Worm?" Worm: "don't worry Artemis, we'll be fine. Our strongest players should be the ones to search." Jay: "wait! I'm not strong?" Davy: *sheathes his dual swords on his back*. "Unfortunately your skill set is not required right now." Jay: *sits down on a bed in disappointment*. "I understand." (Turtle, Worm, Hammer, and Davy open the door to the bunker that leads to the surface, exiting out.) Artemis: *closes the door behind them*. "And now we wait." (Jay looks at his sword as he thinks to himself) Jay: "that could have been the last time I see them....." (Artemis notices Jay with a depressed look on his face but decides to stay quiet.) --------------------------------------------------------- (Meanwhile, Turtle, Worm, Davy, and Hammer's journey to the surface has not been as easy as they expected. After exiting the bunker the group was met with a dark cave and many tunnels leading to dead ends.) Darth Turtle: *stretching*. "Ugh, I've been sitting way too long." Worm: *places his hand on his chin as he thinks out loud*. "Something isn't right here. We can't be wasting time with a maze right now!" Davy: "have you tried to find a draft or something Worm?" HammerFist: *looks to Davy*. "The air is still. Someone really didn't want to be found down here." Worm: "Caius......" Darth Turtle: "can't we just power our way to the surface? We have abilities you know!" Davy: "and possibly kill one of us in the process? That's dumb." Darth Turtle: *spits on the floor*. "It works......" (Worm sits on the floor and closes his eyes, activating his time stone.) Worm: *meditating*. "...." HammerFist: *standing still patiently*. "This is a little awkward." (Worm deactivates his time stone and opens his eyes, looking at the other 3 people in his group.) Davy: "Are you good Worm? Your face looks green." (Worm quickly turns around and vomits excessively into the dirt floor of the cave) Worm: *wipes his face*. "Holy shit....." HammerFist: *curious*. "What did you do Worm?" (Worm stands up and catches his balance, looking at Hammer.) Worm: *smirks*. "I found a way out." Darth Turtle: "heh, what'd you do? Go forward in time and see all possible outcomes to find the exact way out?" Worm: "don't expect me to do that again Turtle, It Isn't easy and it weakens me greatly." (Without standing idle any longer, the 4 follow the path leading them to a massive ladder leading up through a dark passage) HammerFist: *looks to Worm*. "Are you sure that's the way up? It doesn't really seem safe." Worm: "don't worry, it'll be fine." (Davy grabs the ladder with his right hand and gets a splinter.) Davy: *holds his finger*. "Damn man, I don't think I like this ladder that much." (Hammer takes off his jacket and cuts the sleeves of it off with one of Davy's swords, making hand protection) HammerFist: "it's not much but it will protect your hands." Worm: *nods at Hammer*. "Good thinking." (The 4 climb up the ladder with no issues, eventually reaching a hatch that needed to be blown off with one of Worm's abilities. After climbing out, the location of the hatch was in the floor of a metal room with lots of wooden boxes positioned around, concealing it.) Darth Turtle: *walks up to one of the boxes and blows the dust off, opening it*. "...." HammerFist: *notices a strange look on Turtle's face*. "What's the matter Turtle?" (Turtle picks a picture frame from inside the box.) Darth Turtle: *staring into the picture*. "I see, myself....." (Hammer peaks over Turtle's shoulder and looks into the picture.) HammerFist: "what do you mean Turtle? I don't see you." (Turtle chokes up and then smashes the picture on to the floor) Darth Turtle: *breathes heavily*. "It was nothing!!! It's not true! That's not going to happen to me!" (Turtle storms towards the exit of the room and kicks open the door) HammerFist: *runs after Turtle*. "Dude! Wait up!" (Worm looks towards Davy and they both quickly follow Hammer, into an old broken down bar.) Darth Turtle: *flips one of the tables*. "None of this shit makes sense!" HammerFist: *catching his breath*. "Turtle calm down!" Darth Turtle: *turns to Hammer*. "How do you expect me to stay calm? We're on an alien planet and there's shit from earth just placed around wherever! And how do I know that this stuff is from earth but I can't even remember anything about myself from before waking up?!" (Turtle catches his breath and tries to calm himself down) HammerFist: *scratches his head*. "I wish I had the answers for you Turtle but, were both in the same situation." (Turtle sits down on one of the chairs barely holding back tears) Darth Turtle: *covering his face*. "I'm so tired of everything, I guess that's why I'm such a dick to everyone...." HammerFist: *pulls up a chair and sits near Turtle*. "Tell me, what did you see in that picture?" Darth Turtle: *rubs his eyes*. "I saw, myself dying." HammerFist: "from an enemy?" Darth Turtle: *looks at Hammer and speaks with a shaky voice*. "From Disciple." (End of Part 1) Previous part.

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