For those who did not know about this already, toland is a good source of information when traversing the ascendant plane.
"The rules for becoming ascendent have changed due to the wish of the dragon."
My guess is the path into the ascendant plane used to be only a handful of overall rituals accessed the necessary power to make the jump. Or being taken too. Does anyone think the wish might have caused some additional corruption backlash?
Well using the Hive Gods as an example, their throneworlds were made innately once they gained the required power to have one. Oryx was killed and was surprised he woke up still alive in this strange place then the rules about it were told to him. The Mindbenders studied Hive arcana and gained power but we aren’t sure as to what if any methods were required. Given his Scorn form is already paracausal compared to normal Fallen. It does make you wonder what the new rules are. I’m intrigued.