So I've played every class for a good while, I love the heck outa PvP, but there is one thing that really bothers me when I am on my hunter that doesn't when I'm on my titan or warlock. every time I pop my golden gun, (bottom tree) I seem to always get shotgun rushed or just rushed in general, and it's becuase they know I don't get ANY super bonus sheilds, I'm not whining about golden gun getting a damage buff, I would like it, but it's not realistic, I just want a sheild buff, it's not fair every time I pop my super I just get shut down by a bunch of people with pulses or shotguns.
Tbh all it needs is 2-3 more seconds. Could also use a buff to throwing knife damage. Would be nice to have it do around 175 on a crit (bottom tree)
C'mon man. Really? YOU want shields for your golden gun? At least you can one-shot anyone from across the map. I also don't get shields with my top-tree tether, but unlike you, my super is more likely to kill nobody and get me killed in the process. How about they fix the most pathetic super in the game first, and THEN make golden gun even better than it already is?
Guess they never miss, huh?