Hello guardians and hopefully bungie devs.
I logged in to play some rumble, got black screen and a current error code before the group formed. I tried again, team formed and got black screen as the flight animation started with another current error code.
I did a reset of my console and router then was unable to log in. The game cited that servers were down and to visit bungie for more info although I can see friends online playing. All of these friends I see online are in the USA I am in the UK and never experience any issues due to my home network. Or very rarely. Any help or information would be appreciated, I'll be playing RDR2 online in the meantime but know this, I dont want to. I want to grind out my redrix and the acrius catalyst. That's my destiny goals for the day.
Good day and good luck grinding guardians whatever you may be doing!
Bungie’s on silent mode but yeah the servers are screwed.