"This is a true story of my experience with the bungie forum, this is what I would share to you people who reading this"
It all started out when I just started looking at the forum and everthing was fine....
Pretty normal with people discuss about gameplay, pvp, lore, and so on, and yeah just typical.
I then saw a post about someone wanting to nerf an very overpowered weapon called Ace of Spades, it was....
Title - bungie nerf ace of spades
this gun is so strong that I basically throw my controller at my window
pls nerf dis
I did kinda laugh a bit when reading some dude complaining about a video game
So I decided to reply to the post
"hahaha be good at the game"
and decided to play some destiny.
While playing crucible I checked the bungie.net again to see if anybody replied
I saw I got downvotes BUT the odd thing was that 4 people messege saying "You Shouldnt say that scrub"
Very odd but the way they messege was very different from most people here on the forum
I ignored and go to sleep
The next day while going to the forum again, very wierd things started to happend
First I got 999666 messeages all saying "Gun is overpowered" and while looking at posts, all of them where about me saying that,
it was very confusing, I then decided to messege one of my friends, and he/she said "You....Dont"
All I though it might be a prank one me, but this wasnt a prank.
The next day I decided to go to forum, but this time there where no posts, I then asked bungie support twitter and they said "servers are up"
SUDDENTLY it wasnt the same anymore, I decided to never go back to the forums.
2 months later everthing was normal.
The End of this tail
How high are you right now? Send me some of what you got bro