At completely random intervals, my pc will black screen and restart instantly while playing Destiny 2. This only happens with Destiny 2. I have tried repairing, reinstalling, clearing settings, checking hardware, to no avail. It seems to be a software issue.
When this happens, Destiny 2 does not create any sort of crash log whatsoever.
Ryzen 5 1500x
GTX 970 stock
8gb ram
126gb ssd
Windows 10
Every time this happens, I get a Kernel-power critical error in my windows system log.
In the image linked, everything from the 12th to today are all from Destiny 2. (All the previous ones were from using the psu switch to turn off my pc).
Hey there, Appreciate you reaching out to us with this issue. Let's grab some info on your PC so we can look into this deeper. BattleTag (with numerical suffix) Configuration Info CPU: GPU: RAM: GPU Driver Version: Operating System: • To find this information, press (Windows Key + R) to bring up the Run dialog box, enter this command “winver”, no quotation marks. DxDiag: • To find this information, press (Windows Key + R) to bring up the Run dialog box, enter this command “dxdiag”, no quotation marks. • Click on “save all information”. • Copy text from saved file to preferred third-party text dump website (i.e. PasteBin, DumpTxt) and share link here: Issue Information Destination/Activity: Description: