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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
12/28/2018 3:35:09 AM

Cancerous, totally-not-a-douchebag

A few weeks ago I was in solo comp. I had a pretty decent control match with a mid-2 k/d running pulse and fusion. I played the obj and got the match-high 10 caps. After the match this totally awesome, not-an-azzhole from the other team msg'd me and accuses me of camping. I reply with "Does 10 caps sounds like camping to you? GTFO", verbatim. This swell guy continues to bitch and whine so I just block him and go about my day. I log in the next day and find I have a one week communication ban for using the term GTFO. So yes, you can apparently get banned for [u][i] implied profanity[/i][/u]🙄 So if you find this guy, make sure you pat him on the back and let him know what a swell guy he is. I can't say his name, but I think it had something to do with a rad guy that makes fried chicken. Just don't answer his msgs, cuz he's totally not a little b!tch. BTW, I took a screenshot of the match and his tag and would love to post it, but that's apparently too to risque to post in this cesspit.

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