The match completion quest is about the dumbest thing. For obvious reasons. It’s either incredibly shortsighted, or obviously an intentional attempt to raise participation numbers. Sorry, not sorry. When you require individual things in competitive game modes, people will play for their own personal reasons and not actually play for the competition. For the reason the actual game mode exists in the first place.
When the quickest and most efficient path to something is to intentionally try to lose 40 times as quickly as possible, this IS what people WILL do. I know you don’t want to think that, but it is absolutely true. It’s human nature. Call me jaded if you must, but I don’t know what fantasy world you live in where you might think that’s not the case.
Yeah, the 40 matches is absurd. I hate Gambit, too, so it's even worse. Take into account the possible 15+ minutes a match can last(not even counting loading), that equals out to 600 minutes. Ten fricking hours of this? For one gun? Maybe I'll one day get it, but it'll be in however long it takes to only use it for the free shards from a one match completion. Otherwise I wouldn't even bother what with already getting Malfesance out of the way.
I think the funin this is a long/difficult thing to do and finding the most efficient way to do it. Like when we first did forget we needed 1:15 of straight dumping whisper shots with buffs on to kill the boss. But now we use a magazine of machine gun and he's gone.
Gambit is a joke, a bad one at that. I just played 3 games in a row with garbage teammates and here’s my favorite, I didn’t see a brick of heavy. Not one. Ok immediately at a disadvantage compared to everyone else. How do I know they got heavy? Simple. Every game the invader came in and wiped my team with, machine guns, queensbreaker and sleeper.
I've done 10 games so far this Season, so I plan to have this done by early March.
You could just not solo,duo,trio que. Because the majority of these problems is because you expect to win playing by yourself.
Edited by SpenserGavin: 12/24/2018 12:17:14 AMIt should have been, “win 40 rounds in gambit”. Just rounds, not even matches. So many afk, lousy, incompetent, idiots sitting on spawn or just camping a dead portal. The quests should influence people to win, not just participate. Any moron can que up and rubber band his sticks together.
Yeah you do kind of open the flood gates for afk fckers. As if there weren’t already enough of those!
The 40 games really takes away your time from enjoying the games and for the last 10 games of the quest I actually got mad when we won a round to tie. I feel that the quest should have been to play 20 games which would make the quest so much faster