I have not made enough of these, clearly, but here's another.
Increase its damage by 30%, good sizable buff.
Not quite blade barrage or chaos reach levels, but a reasonable buff nonetheless.
Remove the slowdown effect during super.
Cutting movement speed, mobility, and control by 50% for reaching 55% of your remaining super is ridiculous and removes it's utility except for when enemies are in plain sight.
Increase aftershock damage by 200% in pve only.
It sounds like a lot, but the aftershocks do like auto rifle bullet damage per aftershock.
Maybe a scout rifle bullet at max.
Increase super armor by 5% and allow for temporary damage resistance after using the super.
I mean like 2 seconds, because you are within quake range and can be killed if the enemy doesn't get flinched.
You are also pretty much screwed in crucible if you miss.
Allow that one perk that grants super energy on enemy hits, to also grant melee energy when you kill targets (20% each).
I would say change inertia override because it's pretty much garbage outside of PvP, but I don't have any good ideas for it, at least not new ones.
Give it an exotic that gives it super energy back on super kills.
Also slight damage resistance for getting melee kills with ballistic slam (15%) for 5 seconds.
Lemme know what you think.
I just used it in mayhem, more skill and more reward than blade barrage. Blade barrage won't do a 90° turn down an ally on midtown and kill someone in B zone when you're in the open outside lane.
I believe if thundercrash counted as a melee it'd do a lot more, better. For one synthoceps would do WAY more to it. It would get super energy for kills with it. And it would count for hands on.
Basically, increase PvE damage and PvP armor. Yep!