Now, I already know what you guys will say.
1) iT'S MaYhEm. (Mayhem is VERY good at bringing to light problems with supers, both in terms of strengths and weaknesses, learn to pay attention to that)
2) wArLoCkS hAd NoVa SpAm (yes, and it was patched out, AND only resulted in one point, where other supers were 5+)
3) wArLoCkS aNd TiTaNs aRe AlWaYs OP (okay, and D1 didn't have bladedancer.)
Blade Barrage is a great super, very powerful, almost guaranteed instant popoff kills.
It features solar blades that track and explode when they hit enemies, and result in kills.
It also has a ton of armor to it (I've seen maybe a handful of BB's denied) as well.
Radiance is a great super, very powerful, almost guaranteed roaming kills.
It features fusion grenades that track and explode when they hit enemies, and result in kills.
It has a ton of armor to it as well.
They removed Radiance in D2 because people hated instant kill tracking projectiles, and they also nerfed all sticky grenades to be unable to kill by themselves.
If you like Blade Barrage, maybe work together to find a way for it to be a bit less Radiance.
Or bring back Radiance for warlocks(without the revive of course).
The knives don’t track...