Prohibit the use of thunderlord in Gambit mode or lower its characteristics to this mode. Now almost everyone is playing a gambit with this machine gun and the game turns into a shooting gallery. A player with this weapon turns into an irresistible death machine regardless of whether he is an invader or a defender.
In this mode, it becomes impossible to play, as players become aware of the imbalance of machine guns in this mode. This needs to be fixed.
I was getting melted by it this morning and was shocked, where did that come from? Switched to it next game, it is super fun. No need to nerf it! I am glad I was killed by something other than a linear fusion rifle. I came so close to two Army of One's today only to be stone walled by the other guardian hopping through the invasion portal, twice. I want that malfeasance!! Zero up-votes tells you what you need to know.