Every time I get kicked to title because of error code weasel, I get error code boar when I try loading in. Bungie fix this issue because its been happening since day 1 for me.
Hi. Thanks for your report. You may want to review our WEASEL and BOAR articles for more information that may help with your issue. If you are on a wireless connection, a wired connection is recommended to play Destiny. If your internet connection is being used for anything else besides playing the game, such as watching a movie or streaming, it's recommended to quit those programs. You may want to follow our [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Support/Troubleshoot?oid=12915]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] for best optimizing your connection to Destiny. You may want to [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12539]clear your console cache[/url] and check to see if that might help with your issue.