Firstly, I want to say that my main language is not English, so there may grammar problem, apologize me...
As a [b]Turkish player[/b], I want to say the game's price is too much. The price of the Forsaken DLC on the blizzard's store is [b]30£[/b] (with a discount) which is [b]180₺[/b] in my country. Also, retailers selling the Forsaken DLC as [b]272₺[/b]. You must do something about this pricing. I could pay [b]80-120₺[/b] to Forsaken DLC which is acceptable for the average game price.
I want to pay the same price as Xbox one player. Microsoft is selling the game at a normal price which we can afford. [url=https://www.microsoft.com/tr-tr/p/destiny-2-forsaken-annual-pass/bztn9dblkw5t]Destiny 2: Forsaken + Annual Pass[/url] is 182₺. [url=https://www.microsoft.com/tr-tr/p/destiny-2-forsaken/bq56jmh9s69f]Destiny 2: Forsaken[/url] is 124₺.
[b]1€ = 6₺ / 1$ = 5,29₺[/b]
[url=https://www.durmaplay.com/tr/store/destiny-2/buy/forsaken]Forsaken DLC Retailer price[/url]
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