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11/28/2018 5:13:01 PM

Gambit invasion proposal

The short story is: Good invader, go over whenever the portal is active. Get killed invading, have to wait until someone else on your team invades before going again. Long story below. I propose a small, but strategic change to gambit in regards to invasion. The idea being to introduce a little more balance in regards to invasion. The idea is simple. You invade, you get thirty seconds and you're done. If you survive, great, you can invade again. If you invade and get defeated by the opposing team, you have a cool down before you (the individual) can invade again. My thought of a cool down would be another team member would have to invade before you could invade again. The reasoning behind this is due to the amount of invasion friendly weapons that are difficult to counter because you can't see the invader, but the invader knows where you are at all times. I don't want to nerf the properties of being an invader. But, to make it so everyone on a team has to be able to handle all aspects of the mode, and potentially balance the invasion aspect a little since not everyone on a team might be as skilled as the one person who constantly goes over. After all, when fighting the primeval and having the invasion portal open every fifteen seconds, it doesn't make much sense to have everyone watching over all the invasion spawn points, while trying to fight the primeval. Downside to this is it could potentially cause difficulties for teams of solos as communication is usually not there.

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