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11/25/2018 1:49:51 AM

Breakthrough Needs to be Reworked

After playing quite a few matches on Breakthrough, I've noticed a few things that are just not working well. Team matching, spawn times, and spawn camping all take what should be a fun PvP match type and turn it into a rout every time. I have yet to play a game which goes longer than four rounds with the vast majority only taking three no matter if I am on the winning side or not. Team matching is broken in the PvP system as a whole, but it is much more noticeable in a 4v4 comp than larger comps. There will normally be a three stack fire team with one solo queue on one side, and four solo queues on the other team. If I leave after the match and then come back, the same thing occurs[i] but with different clans[/i]. This means the queue system could very well pit the three stacks against each other but chooses not to for whatever reason. As stated before this is currently an issue with all PvP modes, but in a 4v4 match, the outcome is highly tilted to the stacked team. The next two are closely intertwined. The spawn times are excessive to the point of irrelevance. Meaning, if a player dies after the breaker is deployed, their team is down a player for what is likely the rest of the game. It takes less time to claim the exposed vault from zero then it does to respawn and then run back to the fight. If the attacking team is sticking together like they should, they will have the last player standing and win the round every time. Why have a respawn at all if this is the case? This brings me to the second portion of this issue. The spawn points never change, so a smart team will kill one or two players and then spawn camp the rest of the game. Thanks to lag on the reload, players are often dead again before they realize they were being shot. Dying on respawn virtually guarantees the camping team will win the match if they so choose. A problem I foresee emerging from the camp spawn issue is a team might choose not to cap the match, ignoring objectives to artificially increase efficiency. Spawn campers will eventually "forget" to deploy the breaker so as to force a draw, but not before they win a round and rack up far more kills then anyone should get in a fast paced siege match. Breakthrough is promising. It has great potential, but in it's current state it should not be considered seriously for PvP. There are too many issues and the back and forth brawl for the first and second objectives that was envisioned has not come to pass.

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