Did you know that there won't be a better period for music ever? That you are living in the decade with the best music ever?
I bet you only listen to Africa and Bohemian Rhapsody, then come here to moan about how you were born in the wrong generation.
Edited by Uncanny_Vale: 11/24/2018 11:09:09 PMEvery generation has a different opinion about what the greatest music is. My parents thought the late sixties early seventies was the greatest period in music. My grandma thought that the peak of music was Beethoven and Bach. A lot of younger kids think music from the last 20 years was the peak (they are objectively wrong). But the entire 20th century has seen a real revolution in music. From the invention of Jazz and Blues in the first half of the century to the invention of Rock and Roll in the 50’s and onwards. Every era has great music. As someone who grew up in the eighties I can tell you there was a LOT of shit music (see video above). People look back on the eighties with their nostalgia goggles on. Kids just hear all the good stuff and never hear the bad stuff that doesn’t get played anymore.
Lots of amazing music happened in that era, but lots of cheesy forgotten shit too. Same with music today, lots of cheesy shit and the occasional great song. I was born in the 80's 🤘
Thanks Bach.
Every period has great music. You just have to look for it.
hey let me frame my opinion like an objective reality too
Men at work is easily one of my favorite artists from the early 1980's. Besides that, it was mostly one-hit wonders that came from that time period.
2000/2012 best music imo
It's not really so. I was there. There were a lot of great songs and bands of that era, but there was also immense amounts of trash. Rick Astley? There were more trash 1 hit wonders, techno, pop, copy cat rockers than you can imagine. The best era were the early 70s through the mid 90s. There are some decent bands since then, but few. Pop and hip hop is a dumpster fire that they keep fueling. Just because a girl can sing or is stunning to look at, but she never writes her own music, with a made up mystery band of studio musicians, auto tuned, does not equal to be a real artist to me.
So true
How the fck dyou know?
I’m going with the late sixties, all of the 70’s, about 30% of the 80’s and 100% of the 90’s. Minus the resurgence of shorty boy bands of course.
90's is better imo.
[quote]Did you know that there won't be a better period for music ever? That you are living in the decade with the best music ever?[/quote] You don't know that. You can say it's the best so far, but ever? No. The future holds wonders that no-one can foresee.