Funny, I documented this back in D1 and it only seems to get worse with time. Case in point, I was in the Crucible the other day and became trapped with an opposing fireteam of 4. I could not exit any match nor leave the lobby - I physically had to shut D2 down, then I had network errors trying to restart it - bottom line, I have to reboot my router to obtain a new IP.
Honestly, I don't see these issues ever ending - as more network tools become available to even the least sophisticated cheater, Bungie is not keeping up with them, devoting more time and resources instead to PR/media bling.
My background? Former IT/network engineer - I play online games to have fun and chill, not to have my privately owned equipment/infrastructure abused and thrashed by hacks in the Destiny gaming net.
Wait, you were locked into a game or matchmaking load up and couldn't back out? Oh yeah, it was said that was going to be taken care of, yeah right!