Yeah great sue them over getting ddosed lol. Waste your money and time on getting a lawyer just so someone who they will probably never find and take action against. Also it’s a video game, it’s really not that serious.
What the guys below said. Guess you don't care but others do
DDoS is illegal. So yes, it's serious.
I agree it’s illegal. So what? You’re gonna sue Bungie who has way more money than you so there is a very high chance that you will run out of money before they will and also you have a very slim chance of winning since getting ddosed is not in their control. Also it’s probably written in the terms of agreement that you sign when you first hop on the game.
I'm not saying it's a smart idea. I'm saying it's a good idea, but in practice it just won't work.
Its not only the fact that its a game. Its the fact the your entire network gets shutdown. I was ddosed in destiny 1, i had to explain to my family why out interent was down. Its sad and pathetic.
Bro, it’s pretty serious. It actually manipulating connection. That’s illegal