Bungie only picks fluff posts to respond to. If it's not happening to content creators, they do not care.
"Content Creators" FTFY Say it right. These people dont create content. They use other peoples content to profit off a simple video where all they are contributing as content is some voice over thoughts or opinions. Hardly content creation.
100% true.
Yeah man I wonder why this ISN’T happening to content creators... oh wait... if it’s as prevalent as people say it is then it MUST be happening to content creators, unless it’s not as prevalent as people say...
My clan mates had a comp game that they got ddos'd TWICE in a row by the same team. Looked at the players recent games, they matched up with xhoundishx. Luckily he was able to beat them 2v4. Wish I could have seen that game play out! So yea it happens to them too.
The content creators probably only play on their own, dedicated servers.
Or they pick region. Some routers can do that
Yeah, unless you're praising them for whatever reason you get the canned "we'll pass this along". All too happy to respond in a personable manner when people are metaphorically going down on them, but become stone walls the moment someone points out their mistakes and refusals to fix them.