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Edited by TripleZeroXZ: 11/4/2018 3:06:13 AM

Way of the Buff Pt. 1

Some of my buff ideas for this class 1. Make flawless execution proc with aerial precision kills as well as crouched 2. Once it is procked, smoke grenades can trigger melting point 3. Therefore making smoke grenades confirmed kills on full health guardians 4. And /or make Shattering strike 1 hit kill to full health Guardians (which you get After you proc flawless execution in the first place, making it that much harder to do than just running in a straight line to melee somebody, or even to charge your grenade.) This would also add to the whole Assassin feel of the class. And would be more fitting for the name *Shattering* Strike 5. While in Super, Going invisible should not cost super energy. (This would then inherently buff the Gwisin vest, which is a good thing) or the cos should be significantly reduced. This will tell players invisibility is their natural state and reward them for playing to the strength of the super. Or if not this, then no super energy cost for swinging the blades at targets (this would kind of make it blade dancer wouldn't it?) 6. For all Nightstalkers, all invisibility timers get an extra 2 seconds. Which would inherently buff the Graviton Forfeit. Invisibility doesn't do much for us, except Way of the Wraith, which has probably one of the highest skill ceilings among all the classes for what it demands of you to do. We should be rewarded for it. That's all my buff ideas are, ways to help make the player feel *more* rewarded for learning/mastering a new way to play. And maybe I'm biased but none of these seem OP at all. They seem fairly balanced. Especially considering the new direction Destiny 2 is taking as a whole, where everything is getting substantial buffs. These are just *Some* ideas, besides the obvious hit registration issue. More ideas welcome.

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  • Edited by iVerbalAbuse: 11/4/2018 6:09:22 PM
    Hell no! That’s straight up overpowered. how about sit down shut up and git gud scrub!

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    4 Replies
    • Must add: thanks for the edit out of the warp thing ;) Keep up the good thoughts. We need stronger, more viable Giardians. Every subclass needs to feel strong and not something used just to break the mold and challenge yourself.

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    • Class is fine as is. No buff needed or coming. Thanks.

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      7 Replies
      • Ya wraith asks you to hard flank. 1 can get 1 shot shotgunned put of it.

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      • Seems like you have not considered the impact on PVE when suggesting class changes or weapon changes your focus cannot be PVP! it needs to be both.

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        • I agree

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        • I really like the smoke being able to apply Shattering Strike. That could make this one of the best paths for dealing with groups of majors and mini bosses. What I'd like to see done is: •Increased super duration, improvements to the tracking and hit detection, and if you use the heavy attack at the end of you super, you remain cloaked for 3 secs. •During Flawless Exeuction, Shattering Strike deals increased melee damage, and deals lethal damage when attacking opponents from behind. When getting a melee kill, you get a 3 second cloak (this does not extend the duration of Flawless Execution). Shattering Strike is now on a 3 second cooldown unaffected by mods. All melee attacks (like Corrosive Smoke, as you mentioned, but not including the super) during Flawless Execution can apply the Shattering Strike debuff.

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        • Way of th dissapointment*

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        • How about no ?

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          5 Replies
          • [quote] 5. While in Super, Going invisible should not cost super energy. If it doesn't cost super energy to Nova Warp warlocks to explode, why does it cost us to go back to our natural state of invisibility?[/quote] I like the idea but this paragraph is a pure example of why I hate most of those kids that complain on here. Almost everyone that cries for nerfs lie in order to get whatever killed them in Crucible to be nerfed. This happens with every trend and most recently, it’s nova warp and these kids are spreading the lie that the super doesn’t cost energy when activating the blast when it actually does. Bungie shouldn’t even listen to the kids on here, everyone just lies to get whatever they want and it’s seen in almost every post now. Not this one from what I read but others do a lot.

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            • Edited by Laser Kittens: 11/4/2018 1:59:50 AM
              I like where your mind is at, but you need to correct an error: using both sized blasts and using the "dodge" blink during Nova Warp uses energy. The ability for the subclass to proc Flawless on an aerial headshot (which is arguably [i]harder[/i]) would be a nice touch. Using abilities shouldn't break a Wraiths invis. Although the super drains slower while invis, the cost seems a bit harsh to reapply. Either a straight super duration increase, or a reduction in cost to one or both attacks. And something I've proposed elsewhere is the ability for a Wraith to OHK while invis, but at least applying Shattering with Smoke while under Flawless would be good. Heck, even if nothing else: allow much faster movement and increased sprint speed while Invis (both in and out of Super)

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              2 Replies
              • [quote]6. For all Nightstalkers, all invisibility timers get an extra 2 seconds. Which would inherently buff the Graviton Forfeit. Invisibility doesn't do much for us, except Way of the Wraith, which has probably one of the highest skill ceilings among all the classes for what it demands of you to do. We should be rewarded for it.[/quote] Definetly not this man. Invisibility is really good with top skilltree. It does not Need a buff.

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                4 Replies
                • as a warlock, way of the wraith needs looked at, it sucks.

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                  11 Replies
                  • Edited by Meli: 11/3/2018 4:01:40 PM
                    I only play Wraith. I love it. But you hit a couple of nails right on the head. The game needs to know you’re holding crouch at all times. That means you should be able to proc Flawless Execution in the air, and it should NEVER think you’re not crouching when you’re holding the button. This much is unacceptable. Second, and this goes for all hunters, a fix to the smoke grenade situation is long overdue. It’s ridiculous how often I die due to the game arbitrarily deciding which ability I intended to use and getting it wrong. Hand in hand with this, the reticle needs to indicate when you’re within lunging distance. Short of this, you’re right, the smoke grenade needs also to trigger shattering strike. Third, for a subclass designed around invisibility, it’s unacceptable that invisibility doesn’t work under many circumstances in PVP. I’ve played games like Planetside where you are never truly invisible and must rely on being evasive, and that’s fine, but it should at the very least remove your name plate. This includes gambit. It’s unacceptable that an invader can see me effortlessly from across the map while I’m invisible. Again, if they spot the smoke trails and take a well aimed shot, fine, but the fact that they can see me through walls when I’m using my feature class ability is ridiculous. Finally, I completely agree on the super front. I’m happy that being invisible slows the timer, but it should not cost a giant chunk of energy to return to stealth.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Yes. 1 instakill melee per flawless execution while invis ..would be more balanced than shoulder charge.

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                    • The Subclass is actually pretty good, but calls for a specific playstyle. The only thing that needs looked at is the hit registration on the Super. It's twice as bad as the Sentinel and that's a HUGE problem.

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                      11 Replies
                      • I'd say the hit registration and the movement speed are the only issues with it imo. Although I do think that yeah, going back to invis should cost less energy.

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                      • The freaking thing doesn't even work most of the time even if crouched way in advance... They need to fix that first along with the duration and speed of the super.

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