This pc gamer Modern Tryhard is over 73,000 points while the second place player is just over 58,000 as is the third. No way in hell can you convince me that this dude is not cheating or using hacks such as aim bots.
I'm sure bungue being bungie they'll do nothing about it and will reward such behavior. Just do the math. Getting 150 for each match completed and only 3 per precision kill and 1 for each kill how can one player IN THE WORLD be almost 20,000 points ahead of everybody else?
I know a top 20 player and know first hand the grind they're going through to be ranked where they are so I call BS on Modern Tryhard and challenge Bungie to for once do the right thing and step in against cheaters.
It's pc, easy mode. No accomplishment on pc is anything to brag about.