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10/14/2018 12:03:12 AM

The Problematic Crucible!

I've gone into crucible more times then I can count and I've noticed some bug problems. Topic 1) My main is a warlock, but there is one thing about a warlock that is so annoying at the moment. The new Nova Warp. This needs to be dealt with. Any ideas? Topic 2) Slack will come from this, but it's unfair and needs to be addressed. The titan shoulder charge. This needs to be dealt with. Any ideas? My base line of thinking stemmed from adding a one shot move to the other characters as a counterbalance. Any ideas? Topic 3) Shotguns. I love them, but they get alot of hate. I've notice that shotguns don't act like real shotguns. The slug precision rounds do, but everything else doesn't. The spread is no where near enough and the range is way too far. Any ideas? Topic 4) Hit registration. This topic is specific. My shots hit, and I will get the kill, but when guardians die at the hand of most of my weapons there is a brief period where there death doesn't register. It doesn't show up on the hud, so I tend to double tap them and waste more time on them then i should. If you've experienced similar please let me know. Any ideas? Topic 5) We all know this one... Unfortunately is the spawn locations. I hate getting spawn killed. I would like a rework on this. What is everyones thoughts on this? Topic 6) Resiliance/ Recovery/ Mobility. Or RRM. Now we all know this needs a rework. Not so much in pve (that I know of), but definitely in pvp. -Mobility affects staffing speed and how high you jump... ok that's great, but for me it's very inconspicuous. Lackluster at best. Not very noticable. I think this should be more noticable. Any ideas? -Resiliance in it's most basic for is a resistance to damage or how much damage you can take before you croak. This is very tricky. Too much and its op, too little and it's a "nerf". Any ideas? -Recovery is how fast your shields regenerate. This is a pretty easy to understand. Another touchy subject to say in the least. I dont think this needs to be tweaked too much. What is everyone thoughts on this?

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  • 1. Less armor. I feel this would increase the skill gap. If its easier to kill then better but keep the fact that it heals. If in testing an armor drop gets Nova Warp killed too quickly then increase the healing during the super. That way Nova relies on proper positioning. 2. Less tracking should do it. Jumping over a shoulder charge isn't possible because of the insane tracking it has. If you can jump over a shoulder charge, you can counter it. 3. Buff SMGs, autos, and sidearms. The latter two would need a small improvement but SMGs to need more love. Notably though Dust Rock Blues and Retold Tale are the worst shotgun offenders so maybe those two could just be toned down instead? 4. That's a P2P issue. Nothing we can do about it and Bungie doesn't care to add dedicated servers. 5. Faster spawns maybe? Getting shot mid animation is always the worst. 6. Mobility is very noticable at least on PC. Strafe jumping is used a bit and titan skating is a problem on PC. In a sense it just increases your base strafe speed. If it were up to me everyone should have the same strafe speed that is relatively quick, akin to Halo. Resilience. Just keep it the way it is. With the changes its barely noticable but its better honestly. I wouldn't mind Resilence actually doing anything for PVE though. It's a very useless stat. Recovery. I find it fine. 10 recovery is insanely fast though. On PC I'm more on the cap that recovery times should be shortened by half a second or so that way engagements don't turn sour the moment you miss one bullet.

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    • 1). I'm hesitant to call for any Warlock nerfs because even though I don't play as a Warlock I've always had respect for the people who do. Maybe lowering the amount of resilience on Nova Warp would help. 2). I was mortified when I learned that the OHK shoulder charge was coming back but it hasn't been too much of a problem. In most matches I've had if someone is relying heavily on that to get their kills they tend to end up at the bottom of the stats for their team at the end. 3). The range on some of the shotguns is definitely ridiculous (Chaperone, I'm looking at you). The worst part about shotgun range is when someone has host or a better connection to host than you it can get out of control. People sliding around with a shotgun like that one commercial where the soccer player just keeps sliding. 4). I'm not sure if its just problems on my end but since Forsaken dropped Shax will tell me I got a double kill like 2 minutes after I got it. Or if I get a kill streak he is all late telling me. He needs to put the stein down. 5). I shouldn't argue about the spawns but I get so much joy out of demoralizing people by spawn killing them that its hard for me to say they need to be reworked. You can demoralize a team into a loss by doing that. 6). Don't have too much of a problem with the way RRM works. If they decided to make the different aspects more pronounced then we might be faced with an RRM meta.

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        Git gud

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