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Edited by daffect: 10/13/2018 6:35:39 PM

Nova Warp... holy hell

It’s just insanely good, honestly, too good for pvp. For pve, it’s not that great because you got well if radiance. I just faced 4 warlock Nova Warping pusses in crucible, and of course I lost because I’m a titan with Eh supers. Nova Warp on the other hand is just ridiculous, it just so fast you can legit fly in the air with it. The radius on that jaunt is that same as code of the missile but with half the damage. The only time I can kill them is if they have no shield and I got 1 shot gun bullet, and that’s rare. People say “just run away,” and I’m like have you tried to outrun a teleporting nuke. The super lasts so long too that you can wipe a whole team, no problem. During that game they had 8 supers in total for Nova Warp. That was all I got killed by because it’s just hard to get away from 4 of them and I actually killed one during that game while their super was active. Don’t even get me started about Handheld Super Nova, like omg that thing is just stupid. It one hits a lot of the time and can easily kill multiple people with no skill. No offense Bungie, but like I’m feeling like the warlock is superior in crucible just because of that subclass. The hunter has Blade Barrage but like that’s it for them, they can counter Nova Warp but it is hard due to the fact that Warlocks can teleport omega fast. Titans got like what shoulder charge spam that’s inconsistent, I’m sort of biased when it comes to titans because I’m a titan main but only use code of the missile because it’s new and the only decent one for crucible(, and hammers but it’s boring). I think in my opinion that the missile should be a bit larger for the radius because I can die mid super, which honestly happens a lot more than you would expect because the purpose for that skill tree super is to use it mid range not close. Idk if anybody else feels like the warlock is at an advantage compared to the titan and hunter, but if you are, I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing it. Edit: Now here comes the Warlock mains to try and reason it out. Lol Edit 2: I’m done replying to people, too many posts with little sense. (Aka warlock main) Edit 3: This guy doesn’t even try and gets ridiculous clips link[]

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  • Titan main - get good fella.

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  • Stop being trash

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  • Translation. [i]I ran into 4 players who were better than me....and now I need something to blame. [/i] Now you know what it was like in Year 1 of Destiny 2 playing as a Warlock against teams of Striker Titans. chasing you around the map while Titan skating. ..and teams of Arc Striders doing the same thing. All that Nova Warp has done is return Warlocks to the level of power that they had in Destiny 1 before they got busted down to a support class for Y1 of D2.

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    13 Replies
    • Good. It's time for warlocks to shine in the crucible for a while.

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      8 Replies
      • [quote] and of course I lost because I’m a titan with Eh supers. [/quote] Titan having poor supers? lol.

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        3 Replies
        • Get farmed. Dawn blade and storm are great as well. Stop crying and enjoy the game

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          • Edited by EroticVomiting: 10/14/2018 7:41:56 AM
            I get it i tried nova warp in pvp it can hit through walls which i think is dumb most of the time i can outrun almost every class with my super handheld supernova i think im using wrong because i die from it more than i get kills and its hard to counter if people aren’t team shotting but eh i dont use it i prefer the split nova bomb or chaos reach since novawarp can teleport its enough to get out of a hammer throw and btw burning maul wrecks about all supers at the moment Edit: Burning maul is underused in pvp but yes it can about kill most supers pretty fast

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          • Hunters had their fun with arc stick and titans have a one shot melee, warlocks are at the top of the chain for the first time in D2 and everyone is flipping their shit, get over it

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            7 Replies
            • "I'm a Titan.." Well... don't punch it.

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            • You mean it's just as difficult to counter as the Hammer of Sol or the titan ground pound (which for some reason even kill you when you are in the air?). Let Warlocks also have some fun.

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            • Edited by Jio: 10/14/2018 1:41:48 AM
              Complaining about Nova Warp but literally no mention of Arc Staff pretty much being the dominate super for most of pre-Forsaken once it got buffed. If Nova Warp gets nerfed, then Arc Staff needs to get nerfed too. That said, Blade Barrage isn't even remotely overpowered, so people need to stop complaining about it. That super can whiff like hell, so panic using it doesn't always seem to kill you. And yeah, we'll defend it because Bungie only ever ruins anything that gets nerfed, and if I have to lose my fun then so do Arcstriders.

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              1 Reply
              • Hmm, realized not many share your opinion, so you're going to pout now...

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                12 Replies
                • Why does everyone say it’s impossible to outrun? Because it isn’t. People have definitely outran me in Nova Warp.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Also the blink from the super can’t escape blade barage since the knives have tracking

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                    2 Replies
                    • That's rough. I had a match with only two Nova Warp Warlocks and they had their Supers back every 2 or 3 minutes. It's impossible to outrun, even with Titan Skating. They just kept killing the Blueberries on my team until Shaxx mercy ruled. Nova Warp is only a problem when everyone chickens out and runs away, allowing the Warlock to kill people one by one instead of just making a final stand to all shoot the Warlock while back peddling in different directions. Use your Energy Weapons you plebs and quit being scared little children.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I'm gonna say 1 line: supers are meant to be powerful.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Nova warp is not as good as you think. You have to get pretty close to your enimies to use it. It also isn't one shot to most supers. But blade barrage tho, that thing is for scums. (Scums aka Hunters)let's be honest, hunters are the most OP thing ever. You have tether, arcstrider, blade barrage, etc.

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                          1 Reply
                          • No wander all whining crybabies are Xbox boys...

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                            39 Replies
                            • Just mad cos bad, nothing to see here. 👍

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                              • Now that titans have gotten hunters nerfed it's time to go after the warlocks.

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                                2 Replies
                                • The exaggeration is strong with this one.

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                                  9 Replies
                                  • It feels like a stupidly good super - but so was nova bomb. I don't know what you expected. Titans really got the short end of the stick with this because their new supers are all inferior to their old ones for PVP. (Yes even missile; it's nowhere near as good as fist of panic and the dive kick is a suicide button)

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                                  • I'm sorry I never got to meet those warlocks and shake their hands. Well done boys.

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                                  • A full team of the same subclass is hard to deal with no matter what. 4 sentinels with suppressor nades? 4 arcstriders with skips/arc bolts 4 blade barrrage hunters They can be frustrating but all roaming supers are good. Nova warp is not OP though.

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                                    7 Replies
                                    • Shit lasts too long, make teleport and attacks cost more super energy. It’s -blam!-ing cancer atm.

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                                    • Edited by GammaTron101: 10/12/2018 8:07:54 PM
                                      But when Ttk came out and hammers could wipe the team everyone bitched and got the subclass neutered. Now in D2, another class can DO THE DAMN THING and it’s okay? Tell that to all the titans who begged to keep hammers strong af, that the neutral game was trash in exchange for a godly super. D2 voidwalkers got an excellent super AND excellent neutral game. SMH

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