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Edited by Spawn: 10/10/2018 6:49:19 PM

Bringing Sniping Back in Destiny 2! (To: Sandbox Team)

Sandbox Team. With the next few updates I think a large portion of the community would be really happy to see some positive changes for snipers in the crucible. In today's meta, the strength, range, ammo advantages, and overall usability of shotguns make them a clear choice as the superior weapon. Many of us want to branch out and use snipers but with how they work in the game today... it's just not realistic. - [b]Flinch[/b] I think anyone who has attempted to snipe in the past few weeks will tell you that the flinch on snipers in unreasonably bad. The maps are already small but even when you are far enough away and well within "sniper" range, a handcannon shot from across the map can still send your reticle into the sky. I think most of us don't mind how powerful pulses are in the current meta but a sniper should be the better choice at longe ranges... and right now it's clearly not. Also, horizontal flinch is probably one of the most frustrating game mechanics and makes all snipers feel very flimsy. - [b]Handling[/b] If you put Destiny 1 back into your console and pull out a sniper, you'll immediately notice that holding one feels much different. It doesn't have the sluggish feeling that most snipers in Destiny 2 (Note: on console) - [b]Scopes[/b] Small maps in Destiny 2 is fun. It keeps the gameplay exciting knowing there are always enemies right around the corner. The fact that snipers are long scoped, high zoomed weapons makes them really tough to use in most situations. Most lanes are not more than a few hundred feet, so using a long range scope on these maps is about as useful as trying to use a telescope to read a book. It's just unnecessary and does more harm than good. - [b]Aim Assist / Hitbox Size[/b] I truly believe that you can fix snipers even if you only touch ONE of these two things. If you want to argue that snipers shouldn't have aim assist and everyone should just [i]get good[/i] that's fine but then we need to increase the size of the hitbox. Just play a game with a sniper or watch someone else do it. The amount of times that you will get a body shot that you thought was a headshot is far too often. Watching the clips back in slow motion, I really think the hitbox is just too small. That combined with the flinch means that you will lose most 1v1's where the other player is looking your general direction. - [b]Damage[/b] Imagine you hear a super pop, you are aware of their location, manage to escape, gain some distance, turn around and make an incredible play to headshot them. To your dismay, sniping a sentinel / hammer / nova warp in the head only for them to notice you and then proceed to wipe the floor with you using their super is frankly just defeating. You did everything right, you made the right decisions, the skilled play, and still lost. Sniper headshots should kill supers. Enough said. In conclusion, there is currently not a single situation in the game today where a sniper is the better choice for the everyday player. Up close you will lose to shotguns, sidearms, fusions, etc. At range you will lose to pulses, scouts, and even handcannons. Note: Just because you can get kills with a sniper doesn't mean that it's the better option. Just look at the use rates for snipers. Almost non-existent. I hope you take this as genuine feedback from a long time supporter who loves the game. You've made a lot of strides in the past year and the snipers in the community are ready to make those legendary plays. We don't want easy mode, we want a chance... to make the legendary plays that made us fall in love with the game back in Destiny 1. Please upvote this and hopefully @dmg is reading this and will pass it along to the sandbox team. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • Honestly the only thing I think needs to be adjusted is the ammo, at least give us a full clip to start with. If you find yourself getting shot gunned with a sniper out all the time you need to learn when to have your primary out and not your sniper. (Im not defending shotguns cause I only snipe) If you give snipers all these buffs it will only promote bad snipers to sit back hardscope and get away with it. Aggressive skilled sniping will always be preferred by good snipers, it's more satisfying and unique. What would you rather see? Someone rushing the enemy team with a sniper and getting kills or a stand still always scoped person sniping people walking into their sights?

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      Imo, I don't use snipers much in pvp or pvp because: -poor handling -too much zoom and even a bit inaccurate at long ranges at times -too many endgame snipers are 140 rpm -a bit too much recoil from tr amount of flinch from pve enemies -anywhere I could use a sniper, a linear fusion would be both forgiving and better

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    • I don’t know about you. But I got snipe by chaperone all the time [spoiler]I know it a shotgun[/spoiler]

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    • Gonna sound weird, but i prefer the days of 1k Yard Stare rather than the shotgun meta.

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    • sniping in D1 was my sheet. NLB before & after the flinch nerf. Then D2 came around & I was just sad. Back then you could snipe/fusion or snipe/last word, but now it’s ape or be aped 🦍

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    • While I can agree snipers should one shot supers, I cannot agree that it should be universal. Low impact snipers such as the current vanguard/crucible sniper should not be able to one shot headshot someone in super, whereas the Iron Banner sniper with it's impact higher than it's already high range should be able to one shot supers.

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    • Everything except the horizontal flinch is fine but snipers aren't the only things being affected by ridiculous horizontal flinch. Its so bad it even causes issues in PvE so it needs to be addressed. Otherwise everything is fine and sniping is fine. I see snipers all the time in crucible, just as often as I see shotguns. Nothing else really needs to be done as snipers are in a great place right now.

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    • My biggest gripe is handling in general. I dont know why it was made into a stat. Not just snipers but most weapons just handle very porlly in d2 compared to d1. Takes ages to pull a gun out and even longer to ads. In D1 weapons were more crispy due to good handling all around

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    • Edited by ODST Trooper: 10/10/2018 4:53:39 PM
      Yes I see that you certainly do have quite a few sniper kills, much more than my current 539 kills. I love using snipers but admitedly do find them troublesome to use at times, part of that I feel is because of most of the crucible maps don't lend themselves favourable to sniping. That's one thing I would like to see, more diverse, and maybe more open maps that don't encourage shotguns. Trust me i'm not a fan of dying to shotguns as much as I do, and that's coming from me who used shotguns a ton in D1 with over 8300 kills. I still do try to use a sniper a fair bit in crucible, with my favorite sniper currently being Widow's Bite. My usual loadout is crimson, widow's bite, and sins of the past on my dawnblade warlock, and while it's a lot of fun at times, I do get killed a lot to people who I let get too close with shotguns. Some changes to snipers would be appreciated but not ever to the point they feel dominant. Like you have already said yourself, there's not many opportunities for snipers to be the better choice over shotguns. Nonetheless I do like the challenge of trying to use them over other choices that may still be better.

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    • Edited by Galaxyfarer: 10/10/2018 4:20:48 PM
      I don't know which sniper you use but darn ! i've got killed in Gambit by Alone as God quite many times !!! By the way, sniping should not be back like D1. It is horrible when there are 4 snipers gun pointed at you so I downvote Edited: for my poor grammar !

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      • Sniper headshots do kill supers though as far as I know. And I agree they should if they dont (maybe not low impact snipers or primary ones) Last I heard about flinch from bungie is that it scales with damage. If you get hit by a hand cannon for 50-70 damage it should flinch like crazy. If you are far enough away it hits for 20-30 damage it should not flinch as much. Scopes. I agree, they need zoom settings at least not barrel choices. Personally I think snipers are fine but i wouldn't be adverse to minor tweaks. They are harder to use than shotguns but in the right hands can easily kill from any range with no opportunity for the opponent to react.

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        • Honestly, the only thing i want changed is flinching.

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        • “Thank you for your feedback. We will get right on it” -Bungie Translation:”Nerf whisper”

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        • 100% agree with all of this. Even just changing flinch alone would be huge. It doesn’t need to be d1 no flinch levels, but a little less would be nice— it could vary based on weapon types. Snipers are supposed to be long range counters. They should be able to counter scouts and pulses.

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        • Id rather not have that boring ass sniping meta from destiny 1 back

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          • I thought this way as well, till we got destroyed on wormhaven by a godly sniper player.

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          • My main issue with it, is that even at the range where pulse rifles will deal like 8 damage to you and don't even have enough aim assist to hit you with more than 1 shot of each burst, you still get the same HUGE fricken flinch like you just got domed by a high caliber point blank 110 hand cannon. If you're out of optimal damage range, you should not flinch as much. It's stupid that just blindly spraying from way outside your effective range will make you point at Saturn even WITH the unflinching mod. I'm fine with flinch if you're like 50 feet away, sure. But like 150m away with a hand cannon or spammy auto rifle is absurd to still stagger you with full force. "oh it's bullets they would still hurt, duh" - but why do space bullets stop working like 200m shorter than regular bullets we have today? Obviously something is severely wrong with them. :v

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          • Wow, wasn't expecting you to make a forum post so soon geek, I agree with most of the points except for the part about supers where as supers are something that are hard earned and shouldn't just be shut down like that however I do see the issue with flinch as I get hit by a stray bullet and it flinches my scope and I miss that shot right as I'm about to take it I still use snipers almost everywhere. Gambit, crucible, strikes, raids, etc and I find it a better option above most weapons just because I love the feel of it

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          • Edited by Never EZ: 10/10/2018 4:29:55 PM
            I love The Supremacy, snapshot and a handling masterwork makes the gun feel like a classic D1 sniper. Having said that, the moment I miss the headshot; I've lost the fight. 93 to the body doesn't feel great on the 140 RPM snipers. I rarely get the chance to activate its other perk, kill-clip, because as a sniper most of the special ammo I generate is feeding my aping teammates.

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          • Nah Im all set with having snipers be mid range ohk battle rifles. Snipers are low risk high reward as it is.

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          • You’re trash lol. I was wrecking with a sniper last week. Feels good as is

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            • Edited by WhiteMidnight666: 10/10/2018 3:47:27 PM
              No. Just no. The lack of sniping is one of the main reasons I prefer this crucible over destiny 1. Makes me groan every time a D1 map comes up in rotation cause I know there's gonna be people camping corridors with snipers.

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              • Edited by Starkweather: 10/10/2018 3:53:15 PM
                I agree but only on Flinch and Scopes. Snipers should not be able to take out anyone during their super. Crap handling is there to prevent the rise of insane quick scoping. Yes to a slightly larger hit box but No to Aim Assist cause I HATE sticky sights. Edit: What I mean about snipers and supers is that everyone expects a One To The Head to drop them like some sniper rifles in D1. I don't want to see that, is what I mean. if you can squeeze off a few more rounds and put 'em in the ground then OK lol

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                • Agreed! Take my upvote

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                • I agree do something about it plz

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                • I will always agree with shifting the meta away from shotguns but shifting it in favor of another OSK worries me. TTK was reduced across the board to make the game more fun and fast paced but there is nothing fun about being deleted 4-5 times a game without being able to react or fight back. Shotguns and shoulder charges have made this common place in the crucible. I'm all for fast gameplay but it's too fast right now.

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