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10/5/2018 9:29:11 AM

Can a Guardian All THREE Subclasses at once?

Just had this huge thought of a story, it got me thinking about this huge question that I m not sure of anyone ask before. What happens to either Titan, Hunter, or Warlock uses all three of the subclasses? (Worse case scenario, the power becomes too much to bare or handle and you body begins to rips itself apart. Keep in mind, this is a question. Like to keep thing open for any thoughts.)

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  • I kind of wish we could only use one subclass and one subtree. Of course, we would have a training room where we could use all of our subclasses, but I wish we were stuck with one subclass. Possibly we could change our subclass by doing a dungeon specifically for another subclass but to do the dungeon, we are stripped of our light, kind of like the black panther initiation ritual... and at the end we receive a new super and can change it with a few items found randomly around the solar system.

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  • Couldn’t Felwinter do this and ikora as well.

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    2 Replies
    • It would be cool to have a mechanic in game to switch at least your subclass node outside the menu. Cayde was able to pull it off!

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      • we dont talk about that

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      • There is a Triumph in game if you complete an activity having used your super once of each light variant.

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      • Null Light which has a blackhole as a super

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      • I imagine it would go something like this..... *MusicCityTitan rises in the air as he begins to cast his ultimate power of the three subclasses together as one! There is a noticeable static in the air as he hovers there in anticipation of unleashing untold power upon his enemies..... Still hovering.... the enemies are wondering what he is doing.... The enemies confused start to walk away not really sure of what is happening... Little do they know that MusicCityTitan is stuck in the menu waiting for it to load so he can switch between the different subclasses... Finally, the power is unleashed in a hellish wave of ultimate might... only to find that everyone already left the area several minutes ago.... Thanks Bungie...

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      • Nova Warping, Dawnblade sword shooting solar waves while having a well, shooting a kamehameha along with shooting grape fruits of death from your palm and becoming emperor palpatine with your finger tips? Interesting.

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      • There should be a button command that lets you switch on the fly.

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      • Some supers summon physical weapons, stuff like the Arc Staff, Dawnblade, Burning Maul, etc. Could a Guardian "steal" the super from the other Guardian? For example, Let's say a Hunter pops a Golden Gun. Could another Guardian rip the Gun out of the Hunter's hands and kill them with it?

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        • Honestly I don't see why we can't pick and choose an ability from the tree for each subclass. Why can't I use the Dodge from void and grenade from solar and the super from Arc?

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        • Only if you have enough land to tap

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        • They can, but they only can channel one type of light at a time. In D1 when your Hunter unlocks void, Cayde tells you it's a rare power and that not all hunters can do it. So all Guardian's have the potential to unlock all sub-classes, not all Guardian's can get attuned to all types light. So yes a guardian could use all three, one after the other. But I think the cool down you get when you switch is to simulate you channeling a "different type" of light. I think normally a guardian must let the light flow and charge their supper at the in game rate, but in an emergency they can activate their supper instantly, but maybe at a reduced capacity, or it requires intense concentration as they must continuously channel the light. So in the D2 tower screen Zevala had his supper charged. He's a striker, so it was arc energy. The attack happens and he needs a ward of dawn. He has to dump all his arc light and channel void so he can get the ward up. Once up, he's forced to maintain it and is completely immobile because he's channeling the light to keep it going. If he stops channeling light the ward fails, and everyone dies. For Cayde, he's a gun slinger so his golden gun was charged. But when he got knocked down he needs something. He decides to challenge light to get the knives out. But when he does this the supper is at a fraction of it's potential because he didn't let the light flow naturally and charge him. I clearly spent too much time thinking about this writing it. 😀

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          3 Replies
          • I really hope English isn’t your first language

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          • [quote]"Few titans master all aspects of their light. Those that do can switch in an instant."[/quote] Yes, a Guardian can master all subclasses. However, if you’re imagining a Titan using a Torch Hammer and Shield at once or anything like that, that has not been confirmed and is highly unlikely. The lore text says “switch in an instant”, not “use it all at once” But if you’re planning on making a story about it, do what you want. It’s your story. Just don’t go overboard ;)

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          • My thought on this is every guardian has the potential to master more than one of the elements, solar, void or arc. However, most will specialize in one in particular. They will favor it and almost use it exclusively. Eg. Cayde used almost always solar, but he kind of talks like he probably has used arc before. Zavala so far has done arc and void, same with Ikora. Just because we havent seen them use all three doesnt mean they can't. I would argue those that get chosen for the vanguard are probably able to use all three. Does it mean they do, nope not at all.

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            • It would be great to use at least two supers in one run Tether the enemy then take them out with arc strider Double the orbs for teammates and possibly better strategies

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            • "Few titans master all aspects of their light. Those that do can switch in an instant." A guardian can totally use all of their subclasses at once, but they would have to be very, very skilled to do so.

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            • Perhaps that is what caused Dredgen Yor to go off the deep end with Thorn. I’ve played around with stories at home on the possibility of a huge boss encounter like a raid or strike whete we fight Guardians whose Light had been overly corrupted... At least it sounded good on paper lol.

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            • Not gonna lie, I wanna use Thundercrash on my Warlock. Man that would be cool.

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            • Edited by Seraph: 10/5/2018 5:44:13 PM
              The closest example I’ve ever seen is Cayde in the ‘Gunslinger’s Last Stand’ FMV where he’s fighting the Scorn. He goes from straight up Golden Gun to Way of a Thousand cuts in virtually the blink of an eye, and even then they are both apart Gunslinger subclass. With the exception of Zavala who is portrayed as a Striker in the Destiny 2: Zavala Story trailer, and later on is a Defender at the start of Red War campaign, most, if not all of the famous named Guardians tend to stick to one elemental ( Solar, Arc or Void ) subclass, and tend to specialize in one particular Class Tree.

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              • Edited by Ninja_Lazer: 10/6/2018 4:43:36 AM
                I'm inclined to think that it is not possible. The lore tab for the Stormcaller explains that different mindsets are required when wielding solar and void light as a Warlock. Sunsingers/Dawnblades must rage and let their emotions run free. This passion allows the light to best manifest itself through the flame. Voidwalkers must remain calm, and detached and thus can stare into the void without succumbing to fear. Stormcallers require both. I also remember references to how Defenders call the Ward of Dawn and Gunslingers summon their Golden Gun; most of it involves specific feelings and emotions. So to properly manifest the light, a certain mindset is required. I'm not sure a guardian could properly have 3 very different mindsets all at once.

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                7 Replies
                • 1. You cant. 2. Most Guardians don't have access to all three aspects of the Light. Solar Titans are very rare. Void Hunters are very rare. Arc Warlocks are very rare. Cayde-6 was only ever seen using Solar power as a Gunslinger. Zavala has only been seen using either Void or Arc powers. Only Ikora (of the three Vanguard Leaders) is powerful enough that she can use all three. Though she has a clear preference for Voidwalker. So part of our Guardian's fame is that we're the rare Guardian who can actually make use of all three of the subclass powers.

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                  • Edited by Dark Harvest: 10/6/2018 7:19:57 AM
                    Maybe, Shin Malphur in the gambit lore implied the Drifter can do so. I would like a Darkness subclass though, that shard in the sludge implies such a thing is possible.

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                    • English?

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