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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
Edited by JonnyMadDog1: 10/4/2018 2:36:16 AM

To S p o o k y A d i d a s and C a t t y W a m p u s(mainly): A J and D T opinion and unpopular opinion reply thread

Hey, eye just scrolled through the unpopular opinion thread and since this user doesn't reply to threads or DM users, eye thought ey'd make a thread as a response. Am somewhat in-line with some of the opinions, but there's still some conflation and X = Y because both dip into Z bulshyt and false paradigms. This user doesn't like Truhmp, 'e's a 'bad ally' and a reactionary puppet of the military vs. the deep state globalists but that does NOT excuse some of iz policies which are overreaching. PNAC, Boltn, Pohmpeo, 6mil to whyt hat terrorists-in-disguise the wall/anti-undocumented immigration work, not jailing Kannibl Klynton and molestr qweer B H Kissingr Sohtoroh Davys ODronebombuh, trying to advocate for Kavnaugh only to push religious zealot authoritarianism vs. pro-choice and eat up the bulshyt salt n sugar (offering salt and sugar only as well) the Democrips/progressive leftist feminazees push with everything being rayp instead of focusing on the issues and ANYone not towing the party line is a soyboy snowflake and gets triggrd over someone electing not to stand for an arbitrary jingoistic display of virtue-signalling, yet call out others for virtue-signalling, bash radical muzzie trash but ignore radical ((())), claims to be pro-military but didn't acknolwedge the U S S Liberty or release EVERYTHING on J F K and 9 / 11 and the like, likely had family involved with the Boosh wytchcraft family stealing n kylling Nkola Tezla and may have an underground BahtCave of 'luminati Ohwls (what's the hand gesture about???) vs. the spidr 'luminati under N Y C Truhmp tower, may pay off pr0n stars likely screwed to stay in/get in power long ago as an initiation process for ABORSHONS (when e's suposedly with peepz against that, furthering the eschaton) to the tune of 130k in hush money, is a proponent of protectionism/tariffs/legislating trade with CAN/MX which DO.NOT.WORK. and are NOT free trade/free markets, etc., this user can go on....not trying to end the welfare State...just rebuild it under new victim-classifications. Instead of being at wahr with Oceania it's EastAsia.....wi've always been at wahr with EastAsia.....ugh. Same with Alx Jnes, this user used to be a massive fan and agree with most of the conspiracy stuff and positions, but this dood is a HYPOCRITE who claims to want free markets band anti-commie yet is a proponent of this wall/borders bulshyt which is NOT free markets and commies had the strongest borders btw, when has the party of small government ever reduce the size of government??? Pushes into commie pukes at Rehd Guard Austn rallies and plays victim like a crybully, is basically an agitprop actor and iz lawyer 'went rogue' and admitted 'im to be an actor, STOPPED talking about PZZAGATE, probably because it's too big of a pill for the masses to swallow and got yelled at by Truhmp for probably making 'em look crazy by talking about it all, other journos left like Bigs n Jkari J, employs ANYONE that ever went viral for taking on low-hanging fruit idyot agitprop agents/actors of the other competing groups/ideologies that strawman TOO MUCH and make false equivalencies like Owehn Shroyr, interrupts callers/guests/OTHER ANCHORS to NO END with horrible optics, can't believe eye almost applied to work for 'em, how many more fam members gotta leave 'im before 'e changes??? Don't believe in using children to push the agendas too until adulthood, that's just shady and Democrips use children like that as an excuse for everything....s m h. Don't become Cehnk Uygr. Activism doesn't work btw. If eye was Davd Knyt eye woulda spahnked this whipprsnapper YRS ago. Also pity Democrips, in agreement on that, but also pity Rebloodlicans too. Am pro-gun too B r e a c h, am pro-rocket launchers and AA turrets too. No sarcasm or hyperbole intended either. Eugeniks is evl, F yr problem with autizm, stop the poisoning of the water supply and bloodstreams with vaccines full of metal, F the poleez, jackbooted thugs, don't need 'em, can handle rselvs, don't be a cowardly statist or psychopath. Ey'm alright with anime, eye also don't care to drink/smoke rly, taste is bleh and closes the third-eye, eye despise lying/liars too. Trust being broken rly, rly, stings. Back to working out.....and trying to restore reason and rationality. Any thoughts on this weekend's line-up of football games?

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