Rising Storm 2, Battlefield 1, and 40k skirmish games such as Necromunda and Kill Team. Each of these games be united in at least two ways: guns and having campaign modes where players fight one another for a wide series of battles.
Thing is, Battlefield 1 can often end up with one-sided situations in it’s Operations, Rising Storm 2 can last too long with the chance of a campaign lasting 11 whole (lengthy) battles, and 40k Skirmish games make losses really hurt and can screw your teams over if you suffer 2 defeats early on. As it can be fun to craft a war with friends and/or strangers, there are also flaws.
Say you were gonna try and design a competitive multiplayer campaign situation for a game. How you handle it? How much mission variety would you want? How many battles would you expect to be the normal size? What about progression for each side? What would happen to a team if they lost one of the campaign matches?
Have it like firefight but with progression to add story to it.