I see a lot of people wanting cayde to have a big memorial somewhere in the tower and while I completely understand and somewhat agree with this from a player perspective, lore wise it makes no sense.
Think of all the heroes of the tower. Saint-14, Wei Ning, Eriana-3, The Iron Lords and all the previous hunter vanguards like Andal Brask. There was never anything comemorating them, we only knew of their existence through lore tabs outside of the game. I'm not sure if it's a case of denial or maybe just an acceptance of the dangerous way guardians live but they don't seem to be big on memorials. Cayde is merely the latest in a long line of dead heroes, the only reason he's special is because we as a player knew him personally. Just an observation.
Edit: To all those saying, yes I know 8 of the Iron Lords have statues but that is at Felwinter peak and that temple was closed to all but Saladin for hundreds of years. The tower is/was void of any memorials save the small ones we have for Cayde. Maybe there is a graveyard for honoured guardians somewhere in the city but there is not one at the tower.
A simple solution to this “issue” would be to have a tribute to our fallen vanguards/guardians. I’m not talking about a huge statue but something as simple as a bust like the pro football hall of game or even a picture of their face that we can walk up to and interact with in a memorial room or something. The interaction portion can also include lore or a short info about how they served the vanguard. I personally don’t mind the settle things that Bungie has put in the game to honor Cayde but I think this idea would expand upon what most of you are wanting.