Hey guys,
a friend of mine just got the Destiny Bundle with Forsaken and upgraded his first character with the free token boost. Now i played with him the forsaken campaign last night (me on my sec char) and than i thought how is it possible for him to obtain the sleeper simulant when he clearly skipped all of the campaigns and from what i remember you need the Ikelos Hand Cannon to start the quest.
Now my guestion, can he get Year 1 Exotics like the Sleeper from exo engrams in year 2? because i got my worldline zero a couple days ago from an exo drop (although i havent had the sword in warmind, was to lazy for the grind back then)
thanks for every response
Okay so I'm basically in the same spot as your friend, I have the sleeper quest started, got the IKELOS hand cannon and all, but turns out I cannot seem to find the diamand shaped things that you need to unlock to finish the quest.
I did the boost and I could still start the quest on Mars to get the IKELOS Hand Cannon.
The sleeper is a quest, not main story.
Im in the same situation, i skip osiris and warmind history and now i wanna make sleeper quest, when i reach home i have to go ana noc in mars and see if she have some quest to start sleeper quest, if not, i have to make new caracter :/ anyone knows if is possible or not?
Just watched a video on youtube and you HAVE TO have the Ikelos weapon for the sleeper guest, but my friend doesnt have one, because he skipped the campaigns with the free token
If you've already obtained a quest exotic it can now drop as a random exotic, if you've not done the quest it won't drop
Not that I know of, you need to complete the quest to get sleeper.
Just do the campaign it doesnt take long and then the quest...sleeper
Xur only has yr1 gear but sleeper is a quest on mars so as long as he can access mars then yes he can still get it.