Ok so let's see, I'm trying to get Luna's Howl and maybe Not Forgotten (at this rate I doubt it) and I was at 1896 points and in 5 games I went to 1700s, I went against full fireteams and some of them already had Luna's Howl so they were above 2100+ and a few had the competitive emblem with 2500+ points and on my team some lvl 8s and 2 or 3 games where someone left so it was 3v4 or 2v4 like Wtf bungie fix your f***ing game, make it more fair even if matchmaking is longer, you have a great example with Overwatch where solo players usually go against solo player or 2-3 stacks MAX. MAKE IT FAIR FOR SOLO PLAYERS
Tell me about it. I litterally get garbage , incompetent, afker players pn my team. I should be fight my enemy players not my -blam!-ing team. I just had some -blam!-tard kill himself on every round on purpose on countdown after the first round. Im not shit at the game yet i get put with most ridicoulous spawns and idiot teammates. Also quiters. *teammate dies for first time. Isuckballs69 has left the match ( made up name) . i'll probably never get fable with a this rate. Its bad enough with these goddamn shot gun apes. I get them sometimes but when whole team in shoulder charging shotgun fest you might as well accept defeat but just take the match as pratice dealings with the no skill losers.