I'm planning to order my first headset with a mic this week but don't want to make a rookie mistake of buying a no good one. Any suggestions?
Thanks y'all! I'll be searching each and checking out the specks!
Hyper X Cloud, or Playstation Elite
Turtle Beach 60P Headphones are pretty good for the price.
you need to get one with a usb pluggin and a wire might i advise the logitech headset? [spoiler]https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiJ64GFgMfdAhVDSw0KHQhoDJEYABABGgJxYg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESEeD2u3eybuohfqqKeOq2o_Kp&sig=AOD64_3CcNKMg6J3lSkEFATn4VZLpsECkw&ctype=46&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiNj_yEgMfdAhWtnuAKHdXIA3MQ9aACCDc&adurl=[/spoiler]
All around with cost being a big part- Sony Gold $99. It’s Bluetooth. Plug in the dongle to your console and have fun. Astro A50’s have the best sounds and comfort that I’ve experienced. They’re $299.
I like my arctis 5. A lil pricy but they work with Ps, Xbox and pc. And so far they have been perfect
I bought the Plantronics RIG 800HS a few months back and I love them. A little pricey but worth it IMO
Look into the Astro A-10s for $60 Probably the best console headset for a budget has a crispy mic with the speakers from the A-40s which are $200+ headsets. It’s good quality and durable but I could imagine it being a tad bit uncomfortable for certain people.