Am I the only one who does not want to play Gambit and try to take down 5 enemies with a hand cannon just to get Cayde's Ace of Spades gun? I know it's strong and I have no problem doing some stuff to get it but I really suck at PvP and getting Guardian kills in Gambit with a hand cannon while invading is HARD! It's a quest and I don't like to be forced to play PvP just to complete it.
So I saw that the quest is slithly changed. Now it seems to count the kills you do on a invader also, but that's about it and for some reason it counts the kills in % not in numbers. Still have to kill them with a hand cannon. Now the problem is now that I got a game of Gambit which went really well, at the end of the match I had 9 defeated guardians, at least 4-5 of them were with the IKELOS hand cannon but I ONLY GOT 1% on the mission... So do I need to kill 500 of them or wtf is this??