I want to be a part of clan that’s active but recognizes that life does happen. A group that is open to being creative, since I wanted to explore creating machinima, but have yet to flesh out the technical details. Got the story down though. A clan that likes to explore the lore and discuss the possibilities and pitfalls of this game.
Strictly PS4 at this point, considering purchasing destiny 2 for my PC, but that’s further in the future.
Outcasts of the IX is the 3rd sub clan to Outcast of the IX and we are is looking to grow and build a strong community of player. We have over 190 members mainly from Australia and New Zealand and the US over the two clans. We communicate via discord which has over 150 members and is very active, but we also use PSN and Bungie. If your into PVP, PVE, Raiding or Gambit chilled or hard core theirs a group for you. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3363110 https://discord.gg/W8dTS2R Hit me up if you have any questions. PSN theinsanedad