There are some things which are a given with most horror movies. The dumb blond, the funny guy, the jock, and, as the namesake of this thread, the black guy soon to be corpse.
What do you guys think of this trend? Can you think of any other movies in which occurs, or in which the trend is turned on its head? Is there a reason this trend originated?
Fly my pretties, and bring me back the answers I desire.
You ever notice how Morgan Freeman always plays a black guy? What's the dealio with that?
I kept wondering why The Cabin in the Woods didn't have a black guy in it.
I love that scene in Scary movie with the black news team. Kills me every time. [url=]Here is the scene.[/url]
Well if he's wearing a red shirt...
I love obvious redshirts in movies. "Oh hello there my name i.. *sniped*"
Edited by Hoggs Bison: 1/15/2013 9:39:29 PMTo add to this, I present a lesser-known but better-named phenomenon in movies: [url=]The Magical Negro[/url]
I seen horror films where they're all Asian but then the film was Chinese. But as far as horror films go I seen films where they didn't even bother to stick blacks in it. Like in Kill List whereby everyone was Irish and were fighting people with SMGs but got decapitated from behind. No blacks there at all. Usually if a black is in a film he will get a machete to the face and get eaten whilst still alive. Racism I suppose but what else are what meant to do? Let him live?
Yeah, something myself and most of the people I know have noticed.
Edited by RomanGladiator7: 1/15/2013 9:17:51 PMNot in Prometheus...or Aliens...
You know what this is?!?! This is the world's smallest violin, playing a sad song for all the black people that died first in movies