I think that [url=https://youtu.be/J7QAUtfiQs8]Labyrinth of Refrain[/url] game I noticed the trailers for is why I’m making this thread, but it’s certainly not the first game that’s offered a chance to build your own party, persons involved and all. I think of a few other games that let you build your own adventuring party.
When given a chance to choose 4 classes to build your own adventuring party, how do you typically build them? Do you provide go with a classic setup of fighter, mage, thief and cleric? A couple of hard hitters with two types of support behind them? Declare that rules don’t stop you and beat the entire game with just a jester or something?
Is “badly” a valid answer? Generally speaking, I like support focused teams. If you can outheal any damage coming in you can’t lose, right? I think that just stems from the fact that in multiplayer class based games I’m also always support.. Kinda just what I know how to do.. Of course, there are exceptions. In Pokémon for example, I tend to firstly pick the cutest Pokémon, and then go as high damage output as I can, only rarely using things like heals, or stat manipulation. I think my favorite party I’ve built was in Steven Universe: Save the Light. We had Connie, who has an ability to shield an ally, and take all damage for them, Greg, who can give out AoE heals around him, and Peridot, who could drop turrets. What this resulted in was my healer constantly healing his protector, as my many turrets chipped away at enemy’s health. Good fun!