No Man's Sky has broke my Destiny addiction for good. There's a new Destiny update today? Hmmm, don't see how I'll have time when there is an entire galaxy of procedurally generated wonders to explore. Still, it would be nice if I could run, jump, and shoot as well as Destiny. This leads to the question of whether No Man's Sky should be more like Destiny with good old fashioned shooting or whether Destiny should be more like No Man's Sky with a deep upgrade path and actual planets to explore instead of boxed-in 1 mile square areas.
Neither because they're both pretty bad.
Titanfall + nms next + destiny 1 yr3+ ME A +TW3 open world and quests+ fallout 4 building stuff= one bad ass -blam!-ing game.
Comparing apples and lawn furniture. NMS is a sandbox game with pretentions of being a survival game. Destiny is an MMO/loot-based RPG/FPS hybrid.
Well considering no many sky lied way more than destiny could destiny
I want it to be more like Destiny
Why not both? Why not fly your ship to the destination planet, find a landing spot, park, then set off exploring and shooting stuff.
Games should be more original
Destiny needs to be WoW, but with guns (actually would welcome melee weapons too). Keep adding content, and not making 3 sequels (or how many they are planning) NMS, just needs to be NMS and nothing else.
They should be more Mass Effect 2.
I want more games like Horizon Zero Dawn
Games should be their own thing
Both games are garbage, so I don't know why you would want new games to be like either.
Star citizen?
Bungie killed my Destiny addiction.
Where’s the NAH option
I don’t see why games have to emulate either. As a matter of fact, I’d prefer they don’t—we need variety not clones.
Edited by blade329: 8/2/2018 2:52:40 PMThat's not a fair comparison. However, since the gaming world is over saturated with generic shooters, I would like to see more space exploration type games. Or, anything other than shooters. Destiny 2 destroyed my Destiny addiction.
I like how No Man's Sky fixes were free.
Edited by Cozyman Cam: 8/2/2018 10:43:00 AMNeither. Pay-to-play games ought to be finished products rather than works in progress.
Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 8/2/2018 9:20:08 PMMore like Destiny 1?
They're both polished shit, dafuq!?
I'd say destiny because then bungie would be under pressure to make the game better, a good competitor is what destiny is missing right now.
How bout games just be what the creator intends them to be bruh. How bout dat
Soo Have more lies surrounding them? Or Be even more of a broken pile of trash? That's exactly what this thread is asking me.
No. Similar to this poll, they're both just terrible.
I want an in-between. A balance of exploration and combat.