Half the posts whining about Hunters are pathetic and filled with blind hate. Prove me wrong.
I think they have the best supers for PvP. That’s it. Otherwise I’m completely content on using Titans and Warlocks for PvP. Golden Gun: Longest Ranged Super. Arcstrider: Most Agile Super. Nightstalker: Best Counter Super. They just dominate. Why use Nova Bomb for a kill or two when you can cancel and incapacitate half the enemies with a shot from your bow? Why use Hammer of Sol when you can go high noon on the enemy team’s bitch ass with the Golden Gun? From [i]any[/i] range? And why use Fist of Havoc or Storm Trance when you can move with twice the agility and speed AND just as much Damage Resistance using Arcstrider? Despite this, I still love using all classes. Hunters aren’t OP, but they just have a bit better supers in PvP, and maybe even PvE.